Weight mapping eyes

I'm trying to paint maps onto the eyes of a figure. How do I do that without painting on the head itself?
Also I can't remove any part of the weight map thats set to maximum. I can smooth the edges and then I can remove it. Is there something I'm missing or is this a known issue?
there are some way,, to only color some part mesh (eg eye part only)
1. select only eye part poligons by Geometry selection mode , with options in Node weight map brush.
(there is many option,, you can select poligon by each poglion group name,, or use "Select Conected")
2. Then Fill selection by weight map. you can use Hide poligons too. hidden poligon can not color weight, at all.
3 If you hope to directly color weight by brush on to eye, hide another mesh,, then check "Respect Selection"
with keep selection eye poligons (select poligons which you want to color and adjust weight only)
now weight map brush only work on "selected" poligons.
then Yes sometimes,, "remove color weight from Full weighted area" can not work.. I must need smooth those Area first.
I think,, inner part poligons (or poligons covered by anotehr poligons) which colored Full weight already,,
often cause to remove weight from the part. or part which not connected other mesh (like Eye ^^;)
I think ds ciculation to adjust weight totall = 100% sometimes not work well. then keep it asi if freeziing.
There have been some reports about this problem I beleive. but I can not say clearly when it happen.
sometimes, after I save it ,,then re-try it work,,,.
Then do someone experience,, when tweaking general map, (remove the map of the node etc)
suddenly DS hide the mesh (which removed or changed weight-map)?
Now I experience this again,,,then after it hide poligons. I can not remove the problem.
(save it and re-load seems not work,, I must need save Figure many time, when playing with general weight)
Thank you. Though even the selection tools come across as janky and unreliable, never the less this solved main issue. It's a shame you can't select/paint or fill by surface or group, the tools still need work.
The painting issue I have happens everytime I use the tool. It's particularly a problem when say a whole transplane is fully weighted as I can't smooth that out to remove it, meaning the whole map has to be scrapped...
you can select by material its under right click > select by also if you hide the things you don't want painted on in the geometry editor tool tab they won't get painted on AFAIK.
Ah okay. I missed that as those options are there in the right cick menu but absent in the window menu. Thanks.