Question about buying products without knowing for sure if they will work properly
Hey guys and ladies.
So DAZ has several interesting products, for example, I found one called “drop generator” that looks really decent and I want to use it in some renders. But with the experience of a few years using the program, I know there's a huge chance that the product won't work properly in some of my scenes...
What do you do in these cases? Do you buy products blindly? I know there's a refund period, but I also know that online stores don't usually like it when people start using refunds as a way of "returning" digital products they don't like.
What is the correct procedure in this case? Thank you.
In theory, if you are running the latest version of Daz Studio, then any recently-released product SHOULD work. Obviously there are the instances where people run older versions due to the need to support older hardware, drivers or for other reasons. If this is why things don't work for you often then it might be best to specifically ask if someone has used it on whatever version you are using? The best place would be in the official thread for that product: /forums/discussion/708416/released-drops-generator-commercial/p1
The official thread does have 3 pages of comments and so would probably be best to read through anyway before purchasing to gather more info.
There isn't really a "try-before-you-buy" mechanic other than buying the product and then requesting a refund if you change your mind within the allocated timeframe. I've not needed to use that option before but from the reports I read it usually gets handled without issue. No doubt if you use that option excessively that might change I guess.