Pose Locking

dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

What is the best (and easy) way (or product to use) to- for example- lock the lower body, yet apply a pose?  ...like someone reading (using a Z-product, with prop), but the lower body needs to be locked? 

Post edited by dash2128 on


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited March 1

    There is a product, I hope someone can remember the name of in the store that will stick the feet to the floor, so they can't be moved during posing, so basically locking down the lower body to an extent.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,843

    You can also just select the topmost bone that you want to affect (probably pelvis here), then hold down ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac) as you douible-click the pose - you should then get an options dialogue, one of which would be which bones to affect; you would would seelcted bones and recursive propagation.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    In Scene pane or Viewport, select Abodomen Lower node if you use G3/G8, select Spine 1 node if you use G9. Hold Ctrl key to apply Pose Preset, choose Selected from Node dropdownlist, Accept. Then that'll be a pure Upper Body pose ~~

  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 642

    dash2128 said:

    What is the best (and easy) way (or product to use) to- for example- lock the lower body, yet apply a pose?  ...like someone reading (using a Z-product, with prop), but the lower body needs to be locked? 

    I bought Ultiamte Pose Mixer (https://www.daz3d.com/ultimate-pose-mixer) on sale several years ago to help with this. 

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