daz 4.9 users only

This is for people running 4.9 only.
can your daz ready bmp texture files and apply them to the item/person ?
thank you.
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This is for people running 4.9 only.
can your daz ready bmp texture files and apply them to the item/person ?
thank you.
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Are you having trouble applying .bmp textures? Which version were you using before?
read not ready sorry.
I should have added more detail: can your daz 4.9 _READ_ BMPs from runtime-textures-[vendor]-item-[bmp file] ?
I can apply the JPGs but no go on the BMPs. What about you, you have vendor that has both bmp and jpg in their texture DIR and can you apply the bmps ?
Thank you for the reply.
I just tried it and I'm not having any problem with a .bmp. How are you applying the texture? What shader is being used for that surface?
32 bit or 64 bit, and more importantly, which OS? The module that handles most image formats quit being compatible with XP somewhere in the 4.8 update cycle, but I don't remember if it did bmps or if they are handled natively.
32 bit xp.
may have to/ should have named topic daz 4.9 users running 32 bit XP only.
what are you running namffuak?
@ fixmypcmike what would a shader have to do with it loading the texture?
how is that possible, if the code can read a format, changing OS should not effect that. messing with the code yes or the code that gets you to that code.
thanks for the reply.
I asked about the shader because what you see in the viewport may not reflect the diffuse maps, but since you're on XP I assume the issue is the image IO library -- IIRC Microsoft updated it for more image formats but the update makes it fail on XP for some image formats.
If you look in the log (Help -> troubleshooting -> view log file) you'll see a list of "loaded <dll name>; you'll also see that dzimageio.dll failed to load. One or more of the new image formats added to the module conflicts with some XP internal setting, causing the failure. I have no idea what or how - but it was deemed more important to support the image format than XP.
Try using PS or PaintShop or the Gimp or whatever else you have to convert the image - IIRC, jpg, gif, and png are supported natively and don't rely on dzimageio.dll.
you were right:
Creating Authentication Manager...
*** Scene Cleared ***
Loading plug-ins:.......
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\dzimageio.dll failed to load. Cannot load library C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\dzimageio.dll: The specified procedure could not be found.
You also running xp with DAZ Studio than ?
bad pants
Error loading file for tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/cuir.bmp.
Error loading file for tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/boucle.bmp.
Loaded image pants3.jpg <--- these are good because they are jpg
Ran tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/pants3.jpg
File loaded in 0 min 0.0 sec.
Loaded file: pants_1.duf
Error loading file for tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/pants1.bmp.
File loaded in 0 min 0.0 sec.
Loaded file: pants_2.duf
Error loading file for tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/pants2.bmp.
File loaded in 0 min 0.1 sec.
Loaded file: pants_4.duf
Error loading file for tdlmake on image C:/Documents and Settings/hell6400/My Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library/Runtime/Textures/Dany66/Pants/pants4.bmp.
DAZ Studio exited
I did and the content now work, but remember is not my content - I did not create it. I edited the pants DUF files, good thing they are text files, and references to the textures are not coded in a binary.
So daz just decided to let their program fail? Maybe I turn my lights and siren on, pull DAZ over and give them a TICKET.
Thank you namffuak.
Well - I was running XP on my old dell laptop - and using it primarily for running the Studio betas before putting them on my main system. That's where I ran into the issue with dzimageio.dll. I also use the laptop for downloads at a wi-fi hotspot because my home internet is too slow. But when Iray came out I decided to treat myself to a new laptop that would do 64-bit so I could run the public beta with Iray before committing my main system. Then I had to fight Windows 8.1 . . .
TBH, the writing's been on the wall for XP for some time now - but I'm still running it on an old dell tower to drive my scanner and play music and videos.
Don't bother. You'll get a reply something along the lines of "Please update your OS to a suported level so that we can further assist you with the problem which will no longer need our assitance..."
Microsoft has not supported XP for quite some time. To expect software vendors to continue to support an operating system that is officially dead, is a bit much. And dzimageio.dll is not 'self contained'...it relies on other image format dlls, so when they drop something, so does dzimageio.
Yup. Pretty much what they said - upgrade the OS and see if the problem persists.
Not much to complain about there, the requirements for DS say XP is not supported:
"Windows 8, 7, & Vista, (Windows 8 or 7 is recommended)"