Need help finding character name

Hi all, hoping some one here can help tell me which character is used in this image? Any help appreciated!


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115
    edited February 20

    Directly @Akhelloos, they're always kind and willing to help. Also post the product link next time... if they come from this store or rendo ~

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Perfect, thank you for the help!

  • AkhelloosAkhelloos Posts: 14
    edited February 22

    Hi, my Alpha tester helped me with the promos, and she provided me with the dial values for the Sofiana Main Promo girl below.

    Ally 9 : 25%
    CJ Mercia : 50%
    Victoria 9 : 25%

    The skin textures are from Ally 9.

    The surface tab shows that makeup is enabled and some makeup textures are applied, with a random texture name stored in a temporary folder. It's likely that my A-tester used some layered makeup, but she can't recall which specific one, as she has many installed.

    She does remember, however, that she modified the materials of the Genesis 9 skin and reduced the Dual Lobe Specular Weight using a map she created herself for the Genesis 9 scalp, in order to prevent the skin from overglowing due to the strong backlight.

    The light used is "DTLP5 - Light Probe 16 - Soft" from iRadiance - Light Probe HDR Lighting for Iray - Expansion 4.

    Happy rendering!

    Post edited by Akhelloos on
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