change skin color
the online help function tells me: "
You can find new icons for loading this product in the following DAZ Studio Folders:
“Shader Presets:VYK PBR Shader Basics-Color Changers:PBR Diffuse Colors”"
But I enter that in the field i assume is correct and nothing comes up. i found the shades perfectly by accident before and now can't seem to find them on purpose???

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 1.56.39 PM.png
610 x 1150 - 170K
Remove "Shader Presets" from the filter box. Anything entered there, without any additional tagging, will be matched against file names and the presets won't have shader preset, let alone shader presets, in their name.
well i changed her skin color to suntanned, but it didn't change her entire skin surfaCe, making her look like wearing stockings.
how can i make suntan complete all body?
well i think i've almost licked that prob; i discovered OTHER color panes and played with them and got a result i like better, tho not yet perfect. any helpful suggestions? i stopped the render at 10 minutes because i'm ready for sleep.