Cannot write custom property slider (pose) to keyframes in timeline

I guess this is just a begiiner's error here, but I didn't find an answer searching for an hour now.
I'm trying to create a custom slider for several poses. So: I create a timeline with the poses, then create a custom property/slider, I call "ERC Freeze…" and tell it to take the data from the timeline. After this, my new slider works as intended, I can morph through the poses with it, but when I try to animate this slider via keyframes on the timeline, nothing seems to be written.
Is there a setting I*m overlooking?
Help appreciated!
How did you set the property's type? What types is the Timeline set to show (button at the bottom of the pane, labelled Types - it will show one letter abbreviations but if you click it you will get a menu with checkable names)?
Ah, ok: I tried to use it without having it saved, which didn't work. Thanks for hints!