Aiko 3 of 9

Every new model it takes me a while to get into it because to move my characters up I have go through a lot of motions. I had toyed with moving the guys up from Genesis and 8 to 9 a few times, but I get busy. I'm sleep depped right now, so hahaha... write??!?! WHAT??!?! Do... aRT?!?!? WHHAAATT?? Study Abenaki?!?! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I shall waste time by redoing step one of the moving process!
Bringing in Aiko 3... and later Hiro 3... okay I might have already moved Sakura 8 over.
Also bringing in Capsces Kioki and Hitioro.
What? You ask. You have those old morphs on your Genesis models????
Yes. And no, I don't remember how I did it. Something to do with GenX.
I use Kioki and Hitoro's morphs for just about everything. Anyway, I saw a post where someone was looking for better shapes of eyes and it got me thinking. The truth is I WAS working on my own anime model system for Genesis 9 but I was doing it alone, so it was slow going... and now DAZ rolled theirs out, so. Eh. I'll go back to telling badly told stories if it's all the same to you.
I upgraded to Premier and tried to move the Legacy shape of Aiko over using shape transfer - which btw was a pain to even get to be in my system at all. Definitely a bug DAZ could address Anyhoo. Unless you're a fan of Hellraiser, I don't recommend you do it.
I had to move her over the old way. Thankfully the geometry tools with Premiere let me avoid using Blender.