Run script directly from Scripts menu or Tool Bar button

I have a script file (.dsa) located in a subfolder in the Scripts folder in my DS Library, which I want to run directly from the Scripts menu. I.e. as an entry on the Scripts menu that runs the script directly.
Or, preferably, by clicking a Tool Bar button.
How do I do that?
Post edited by Taoz on
In Content Library, go to the folder where the script file locates. Right-click on it > Create Custom Action..., choose Scripts from Root Menu dropdown list. Give it a Submenu and a proper Text as you wish. Accept.
If you want it to be on a Toolbar, presse F3. Drag the Action from Action list on the left to a target toolbar under Tool Bars tab on the right.
Thanks. But isn't there a way to avoid the subfolder, so it's directly on the Script main menu?
Just leave subfolder as blank...
Yes that worked. Thanks!