Decal Help/Feature Request (if not already present): Decal Preview in OTHER THAN iRay

Hey, there. I know that decals are pretty much an iRay-only thing, but sometimes (I'm using GrungeWorx), trying to get the decal positioned correctly takes a considerable amount of time, as one needs to wait for an initial pass or twelve for the decal to show up. It would be REALLY handy if one could preview the decal positioning in one of the other rendering modes. I can not tell which way the translate/rotate is going to go on a target, how decal map works vs. target map, what parameters will affect a decal map vs. target map, etc.
Also, as an aside question, is there a How-To for Decal properties, i.e. Mappings (cylindrical, spherical, spherical normalized...), Target map vs. Decal map; how to make good use of the Clipping settings, etc...?
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