Keys for Shock look etc.

I have moved my characters head to bend down and then I go into the timeline and can adjust the keys to better fine tune the movement. But when I try to find the keys for the ( example, shocked look) and all other morphs under the paremeters tab I can't find those in the timeline to make adjustments. Is there a way to see the morph movements in the timeline?


  • What types of key are being shown - the Types button at the bottom of the Timeline, or Preferences>Proep[rty Types in the Timeline pane's option menu.

  •  I said morph but I guess it is a shape, oops.

    1920 x 1080 - 418K
  • The Types show TRA (Translation, Rotation, Alias - the basic posing controls, plus any sliders that are doubling another such as the bend/twist sliders on bones split into a twist bone and a bend bone). You need to add O (for other) to see the shaping and such sliders.

  • I'm not sure we are on the same page here, so I'll try explainging this a little different. Because I am not understanding where I am suppose to put an O.

    When I move the slider for the head to twist ( i am just using twist as an example) , a key shows up in the timeline for that adjustment. When I use the slider to change the shape of the face, no key shows up in the timeline for that adjustment..

    Is there a way to get the shape adjustments to show up in the timeline?


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692
    edited February 14

    It is not obvious.

    Click on the 4 lines in upper right corner of timeline (the burgermenu) > Preferences > Property Type > O (Other)

    Post edited by felis on
  • You can also, assuming you are in Advanced view (which I would assume you were if editing), just click the button at the bottom of the pane.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    Richard Haseltine said:

    You can also, assuming you are in Advanced view (which I would assume you were if editing), just click the button at the bottom of the pane.

    Fun fact. I have never really noticed that button. But I very seldomly change it. 

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