UV Mapping and Unfold



  • otodomusotodomus Posts: 332
    3DAGE said:

    MIxer shaders,.  with a mixer you can have two colours,. or textures,. and the "Blender" for the mixer can be your B/W vector artwork

    rough example

    I created a new a shading domain for the logo area,.

    The main shader is orange,  the logo shader is a mixer of white and red,. with the black and white (vector artwork :)) "texture map" as the blender.

    Just a heads up for those interested in making textures,.

    AlienSkin have a sale on right now,. if you use photoshop or some other image editors,.  Eyecandy is a great set of texture creation tools


    all products have 30 day trial downloads


    Thanks friend, can you do the same this time applying a metal texture? What I was trying to do is to apply a label, text-logos et al, to a metal texture, I did your excersise and it seems like I am duplicating the process I did before, howver a new thing is happening, my white letters were changed to black I had to adjust the levels on blender to do them white, but that affects the color of the base.





  • otodomusotodomus Posts: 332
    edited February 2016
    wgdjohn said:
    otodomus said:

    And take a look to this one, its almost matched the color, I have used a brushed image that I found on the net and I have placed the vector art on it, this is how I am solving this unles that can be placed the vector art directly to the metal brush in Carrara....

    I've a question about both versions with different textures, you're earlier and later final renders yesterday. Why is there such a sharp horizontal line running the length of the texture/object? What is most strange is that the lower half on both pics is lighter rather than darker that the top half. Is that intentional?

    Hello there, that sharp line you're mentioning is the reflection line that results of where the object was placed, look what it happens if I do rotate it, and the shadow color is what I have as defautl when I do the render, I know it would be adjusted.


    The "brushed texture" doesn't look that great to me. Not quite realistic enough. I have a "brushed" metal shader for Carrara but can't say that it wasn't obtained elsewhere.


    Oh yes! its a mess right? What I was trying to show is how the last texture was applied, and in which section the texture was applied, of course that would be tons of more options to do that that makes the effect correctly, you can even look for a texture in the net that makes the match for the one you will use in the rest of the body.

    The image of another angle reflection:



    Cylinder UV Mapping-4.png
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    Post edited by otodomus on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Hi Otto :)

    in the mixer,. when  you use a B/W image,. as the blender,. ...in the texture map area of the shader,. there's an option to "invert colours",. pic1

    this can be useful where you've set up source 1 and source 2 as the wrong textures or colours,. 

    to get the Metal texture mixed with your white logo text you would set up the mixer with the Texture map in one source, and a white colour in the other,. add your B/W logo texture (black artwork on a white background) as the blender.

    Whenever you're creating a metalic shader,. it's a good idea to change the top shader to "Anisotropic" which gives it that metalic lighting effect.

    It's pretty easy to create a Brushed metal shader inside Carrara,. without texutre maps.

    if you create a Mixer of Light and Dark grey,.or add some blues and rusty browns,. and use a Fractal Noise as the blender,. and adjust the transforms scaling to suit..

    pic 2  shows the blue "texture map" shader,. and a quick colour mixer shader using fractal noise to create the brushed effect

    In the fractal noise settings,. go to the Transforms tab,. (enabler transforms) and adjust the scaling in whatever direction you want the brushed effect....Pic3

    Hope that makes sense

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  • otodomusotodomus Posts: 332

    Wow! Thanks that's exactly what I was looking for, so in theory you can have any texture with a logo applied to it right? I thought you'd need to have your logo in .PNG with a transparent background to do it.  Need to put that in practice.

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Thanks Otto and 3DAGE

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    Thanks  :)

    so in theory you can have any texture with a logo applied to it right?

    Yes,. you can create much more complex mixers,. once you understand that,. each "Source", and the "Blender"  can also be "Mixers", rather than a simple "source 2 / Source 2 / Blender image

    so,. "source 1" could be a mixer of red and blue lines,.with a blender of fractal noise

    "Source 2"  could be a mixer of green and purple lines,,. with a blender of wood

    and the blender could be a m,ixer of Bricks and Squares,. with a blender of tiles

     You can build deep and complex,shaders. or stick with really simple mixes,. but its a very powerful shader function.

    You can also create a Mixer of two Multichannel shaders,. so that you have different settings for Bump, Highlight, Shininess, opacity, etc (Complex shaders / Multichannel Mixer)

    an example would be Skin and Mud,. mixed together with a splash image, or a procedural function, like fractal noise.

    Carrara has a really powerful set of shader functions.


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    for those preferring video, here is how to apply a graffiti or logo by Cripeman



  • otodomusotodomus Posts: 332

    I am a bit lost, what is the first step considering that I have a new model with no texture applied to it? In addition you have other attributes applied to Bump that shows another source1, source 2 and also another Blender too, can you clarify a little bit please?





  • Explore the shader presets that came with Carrara. It can be very educational.
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited February 2016


    As evilproducer says they can be very helpful to get you on track with shaders.

    You can also go to www.youtube.com and search for "Carrara Shader Tutorial" which is how I found the one below
    This may give you a few ideas of what you can do with complex shaders.

    In the end find an existing shader with a Source1 and Source2 and start messing around with it's settings.

    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    HI otto :0

    Sorry,. i keep forgetting there's stuff you don;t know yet,.

    I also got carried away a little bit, when I was playing / building with that shader

    In the shader,. i've made a mixer in the bump channel, and copied/pasted the mixer With the logo,..into that channel, to create a slightly streaky bump effect on the model, an a slightly raised  bunp effect for the logo

    you can aslo copy/paste shader elements into other channels such a the highlight / shininess. and then adjust the values to suit

    when you paste colur information into a channel which expects black and white information,. (Such as the bump channel)

    Carrara is smart enough to convert the colur info, to Black and white values.


    Starting with a new object,.

    First you have a couple of ways to create the area for the logo's,. you can either Create a separate shading domain,. or you can use the "Layer" functions in the shader to draw an area onto the model,. then apply a colour or shader to that.

    Now you have either two shading domains,. or a layerr shader,.

    either way,. the rest of the process is the same

    For the logo "Mixer",. you should have one source with the main colour of your model,. and the other source for the colour of your logo or text,.

    then in the blender, you'd have your black and white Logo or text image..

    Hope that helps a bit

    Evilproducer is right,. look at some of the preset exaample shaders to learn different principles and techniques,.




  • otodomusotodomus Posts: 332

    Thank you friends, I am sorry if I didn't respond before I was unable to comment, well I do appreaciate your comments and suggestions, I have looked at the shader presets and I still having no clue what was the root to start the shaders, anyways, I have done some tests using 3DAGE tips, will report soon with results.


    And at this time I am also trying to learn how to use correctly the Displacement mapping, I did a reel thread where this function would be great, as I wanted to have a thread texture.


    Thanks everyone.



  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247
    edited March 2016

    Hi Otto


    Sorry, I can't find the thread where you posted the link to your T-pipe - there are now so many dealing with UV mapping.

    OK - your unwrap was mostly correct, but you never cut seams on the outside of the vertical part and on the inside of one leg of the horizontal part.  That, plus the lack of a facility to properly scale the UV islands shows up as stretching and warping on parts of the model - you can see the difference in the pic.  The corrected one is behind the original. I unwrapped in UU3D - see the second pic.  The purple lines are where I cut seams. 

    Here is the link to the redone version https://www.dropbox.com/s/fko9t9jeiot8eu7/T-pipe.car?dl=0

    You asked about putting on a checker texture - this you do just as you would any other texture - overlay on a template in a 2D editor, or import as texture.  There are many texture checkers on the internet they work better than a simple checkerboard pattern to show up warping - here is a link to one source https://www.google.co.za/search?q=texture+checker&espv=2&biw=1067&bih=517&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJy5Ldq7DLAhUGaRQKHaQFBTQQsAQIHA


    EDIT:  Oops, I forgot to save internally, so you'll get a file not found error for the texture.  Download one of those checkers I linked to, load it onto each of the T-pipes through the texture room and make it repeat seamlessly 3 times, U and V to see how the texture applies:) 

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    Post edited by Roygee on
  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634


    Basically I get this. What I don't understand fully are a few things from the UV window in UU3D. Let me first make sure that I interpret what is shown in UV window. Clockwise from top left the first unwrap is the outside of the verticle single leg of the pipe. Next, large unwrap with hole in center, is of course the outside of the horizontal pipe. Next are unwraps for inside of vertical leg. And two unwraps for inside of pipe... this is what I don't understand... shouldn't it be only a single unwrap? Perhaps you divided it in half to unwrap? No problem understanding the last line of the 3 ends.

    One question I do have is why are there jagged lines in the UV window... is it simply a low res illustration of the unwraped pieces?

  • RoygeeRoygee Posts: 2,247

     And two unwraps for inside of pipe... this is what I don't understand... shouldn't it be only a single unwrap?

    Yes, that was the way it was modelled - Otto didn't join the inside of the horizontal pipe and left quite a gap, so joining the UV's would not have made sense.

    The UV grid is a low resolution sreen grab. 

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634

    Thanks... I can see clearly now.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Have a toon organic figure in this month's challenge.  Would appreciate any advice on improving the use of seams and pins for the uvmaps.



  • aspinaspin Posts: 219

    There are missing at least three more seams:

    - outer bottom pipe from left to right

    - inner bottom pipe from left to right

    - top pipe from top to bottom

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