Issues with Candles

I have been trying to set up a scene using "Candle light for Daz studio". The lights are simple point lights but they are creating thick lines that I can't get rid of. They move when I move the candles so they are related to positioning but there is nothing I can see creating them except for the edge of the light itself which is just a point light. See file.

3125 x 2500 - 4M
Post edited by Graygecko_63b06fd4c9 on
This product?
That is a very old product made for 3dl. I don't have it.
Which object do you have in your scene?
The product mentions a reflection dome - I could see that as a potential candidat for issues.
I thought about the reflection dome but I can't seem to find it in the scene list though the PDF says it would be there.. Here is a better picture. It could be that Daz studio isn't listings the dome. There are two candles, a figure and the grammophone in the scene. Removing a candle doesn't change anything and the grammophone does not block the figure. The lines are definitely coming from the candle. I love the lighting effects better than new programs I have. Wonder if there is a way to find the dome?
Where are the point lights? Have ytou given them a shape other than point (Parameters pane with the light selected)?
I just tried adding more point lights to the candles. That seems to work or at least minimmize the issue to where it doesn't affect this perticular image. Thanks !