Daz Studios baking options/limits?

I have noticed some options for baking in Daz Studio but that many people comment on how limited it is.

Is there a list of what can be baked and the limits of teh options?

I hope that made sence;)


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited February 10

    They're related to baking geometry (Bake Smoothed Morphs, Convert figures to props...), poses (Bake to Transforms), rigging (Bake Joint Rotations) and textures (Shader Baker, LIE...)...  modifiers ? (ERC Bake)... In general, the limitation of them (mostly) is that they don't go to undo stack, i.e. you're not able to Undo ~~ 

    Specifically :
    1) Bake Smoothed Morphs : smooth morphs with Smoothing Modifier then bake the smoothed result to the morphs. Time-consuming if baking lots of morpsh. Useless if you know sculpting (with smooth brush) which can quickly give you perfect smoothing result.
    2) Bake to Transforms: can be undone but depending on how many Pose Controls you dialed and how complex they're ERC Freezed, baking process can be pretty long (the longest time I've experienced was nearly 40 mins... ).... This weakness has never been improved....while the baking scripts from some products can simply finish the baking just within 1 ~ 2 mins.
    3) Bake Joint Rotations: bake all joint rotations on a figure as a new base then replace the bones positions. No big issue but just be cautious when saving figure assets because you may unexpectedly overwrite some base figures or sth.
    4) Shader Baker: only supports 3DL engine (RSL). You cannot bake textures with iray engine / shaders (MDL).
    5) LIE: bake layered maps as one map in Temp. Performance much improved since 4.20, IIRC... Fortunately, setting up layers with LIE can be undone.

    6) ERC Bake: depending on the freezed properties... sometimes the results may be not 100% precise, e.g. ERC Bake expressions, as far as I experience.

    What else... pls let me know. devil

    Post edited by crosswind on
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