Excluding parts from fullbody morphs in genesis 9?

I'm creating a feminine male character that needs to have smaller frame and curves same as a girl, but chest area as to be masculine shape. I tried using breast gone and small breast morphs and not getting good results. Any way to exclude chest from full body morphs such as feminine body base and anime toon feminine base body etc?
I want to do this without sculpting in zbrush/blender, i can't sculpt. Any advice?
Note: I might have got the base morph names wrong, I'm I don't have daz open in frot of me.
Post edited by scuttlebuns on
You can remove vertices from non-HD moprhs using the Geometry Editor, but it is either/or. A subtler approach would be to export a single morph, again non-HD only, as OBJ and create a weight map for a dForm covering the ares you wish to exclude with a suitable softened edge - if you then reimport the morph, as a new name, using Morph Loader Pro the options will include using the dForm to attenuate the morph. That will give a limited area version of the full morph, which you could then aply at -100% to cancel out the standard morph (you could also create a morph that excluded the unwanted areas directly, but then you would have to redo all the joint adjustments and corrective morphs - this approach would allow you to manage with fewer or no adjustments, depending on exactly which areas you wanted to affect, though I suspect it will not be easy to get a decent result).
If without sculpting... you can blend Base Feminine and Musculine body shape to a certain extent, then tweaking the shape of chest and other body areas by using partial body morphs (PBMs ). In addition to Daz official PBMs, there're quite a few good PBMs products.
Alternatively, if you have well-shaped male character or mixed character from older generation e.g. G8M, you also can bring the shape to G9 by using Fit Suit method. All these can be done just within DS.
@Richard Haseltine "A subtler approach would be to export a single morph, again non-HD only, as OBJ and create a weight map for a dForm covering the ares you wish to exclude with a suitable softened edge - if you then reimport the morph, as a new name, using Morph Loader Pro the options will include using the dForm to attenuate the morph." I am, not able to get that far. Upom trying to import morph I am getting "Warning: Geometry did not match, failed to create morph." - it's the base Anime Feminine figure. This figure possibly not supported by morph loader pro? On that note, I have another doubt: how do I create a dform weight map? The morph loader pro did not ask to choose weightmaps- the attenuate by showed none. I created a new d-former in weightmap mode and applied weight map to the pectoral area but it did not seem to do anything for import.
@crosswind "If without sculpting... you can blend Base Feminine and Musculine body shape to a certain extent" The character I'm creating is intersex, so I don't want a andrognous figure, but fully feminine, including shoulder, but pectoral area alone is closer to natural male shape (not male proportion i.e. not a wide chest/rib). I tried mixing and matching and morphs and there doesn't seem to be a partial morph that specifically helps morph from male to female pectoral area and vice versa. The character has a twin who is a biological female but this character I'm working on is intersex and identifies as a male. I essentially want the two to look identical except the chest area. Reducing breast size alone works when clothed but like when in a bating suit he looks like a small breasted girl who is topless. If had a male/female chest partial morph, it'll have been easier to pull this off. "Alternatively, if you have well-shaped male character or mixed character from older generation" I only have genesis 9 figure and morphs.
If only use Anime Base Feminine as a base, blending PBMs can also work... though I'm not 100% sure how the chest shape on such an "intersex" figure should look like as what you expected. (ss1)
All figures are supported by Morph Loader Pro only you have to set figure's Resolution Level as Base before exporting to OBJ. But personally I don't think attenuating the vertex positions in a partial area can easily make what you want 'cause it's not like splitting head/body... there're more complex curves you need to reshape on the chest by using this way ~~
BTW, I have to say sculpting is really not a tough job at all (e.g. doing it in Blender for free...), and you also can sculpt on a blended result from DS. You can get the job done in a 1 or 2 mins by just using two brushes, then you even can sculpt more but dial less in DS to control the strength...(ss2)