For Some Positive Feedback... Ironman13 is Awesome!

I just wanted to share my opinion on a particular artist in the DAZ store. Ironman13 always continues to amaze me. A chunk of the pose libraries I purchase are from Ironman13. I just saw this right now:
This is this just so awesome, and I think I'm gonna get this. Ironman13 included both the poses and the entire scene in that price. This individual is good and I have to say that his products are pretty dang awesome! Keep up with the good stuff.
Post edited by Richard John S on
I totally agree with you! I think i13 is the master of poses!
The i13 Coffee Shop Environment with Poses looks amazing, so much of the i13 stuff is. But the product description doesn't specify if the materials are 3Delight & iRay or iRay only. Does anyone know. If either of you get's it, please post.
Thanks, DiggrDude
That's a good question, it doesn't say in the description, but I did see the Iray logo on the picture. So, I'm gonna bet my money on that it is iray based material. Iray seems to be the standard now too. A recent character I bought didn't even come with 3Delight materials.
I did not saw any 3Delight materials as the preload scenes include custom iray materials
I like the set and the work it was put into , however I am not big fan of the iray material settings as some of shaders slow down the rendering too long and are really not needed .
Also if you want to have better indoor light effect use caustic ON so the light reflected from the surfaces will bounce around and make it looking better ,I set the architectural sampler Off
I need to edit the materials my way and see how it goes with the render time especially the glass and metallic surfaces
bellow couple of tests using my HDRI light from the outdoor and emissive shader for the bulb , I did not rendered with the included light
the rendering time was around 50 min per render , 5000 iterations rendered with over 6000 cores at 1300 Mhz to have it perfect I would have to render it with at last 7000 pixel samples
This comment Needs to be deleted, but I can't find an option to do that!!!
Plaease disregard!
I'm concerned that you are correct; Iray logo on the picture, doesn't say in the description, seems Iray is being treated as the standard now (which is inappropriate!). I appreciate the quality results we get with iRay, but I can't afford the time! iRay takes 20 times as long to render as 3Delight, that makes it a luxury item for people with the time to spend! Need to figure out how to communicate that to i13 and other vendors! Any thoughts?
Beautiful pics MEC4D! I just don't have that kind of time for one shot. Ever set-up a shot and notice after it's rendered that you missed something? I don't like it now when that happens, but if it was after a 50 minute render, OMG!