Categories Database.

Hi guys,
I am, once again, considering reinstalling DS and starting from scratch. There was a good reason for this, but I forget it at the moment. Now it seems stupid, but I'm probably going to do it anyway.
The plan is to use the Categories database to make things a little easier for myself. And about time too!
Is the Categories database reliable? I had problems with it when I first started using it with a fairly early version of DS4 and I stopped using it. Obviously improvements have been made to DS in general and I'm hoping that the database is one such improvement.
Also, how easy would it be to back it up, alongside my content?
Thanks again,
DS 4.5 has an option to export your User data (i.e. categories and any rearranging of the default locations for products) as a plain-text file, like the files that supply metadata. It will be put in your Runtime\Support folder, so you can just back them up with your runtime.
Brilliant, thanks. The great rebuild has begun.
I've done that a few times (the Great Rebuild). Every time I've gotten closer to a "more ideal" setup, but it also takes a long, long time.
Best of luck in your efforts. :)
I've found so often that I install products where I want them, in categorised folders, or whatever, and suddenly something doesn't work properly, so I end up reinstalling them where THEY want to live, and lo and behold everything works. So now I'm installing them to defaults, and using Categories to make things simpler.
In short, I don't want to fight the system any more!
Well my first of many problems has reared its ugly head. I can't find Michael 5. I copy most of my magazine discs to my spare hard drive so that I can lose or break the dvd that came with the magazine, but it seems I forgot this one and now I can't find it!
Obviously I didn't register it either and my chances of finding the receipt for the mag are slimmer than something really slim.
{edit} - Found the dvd and it's not even on there, it's just a link to download V5 and M5 together. And then I found them in my downloads folder... I'm having a weird day.