why when you buy content from DAZ do you get a message saying to use DIM
Posts: 633
[why when you buy content from DAZ do you get a message saying to use DIM] and yet the content automatically goes into smart content anyway. Is that what is causing the error message about duplicates?
Love esther
delete this.jpg
Post edited by frank0314 on
There is no image attached, it's blank. How do you usually install your products? If you use multiple forms, it will cause the duplicate errors. I would suggest, as most would, to use DIM to install everything except for, if you're a Premier member, the bonus products you receive must be installed within Daz Studio
I like the smart content. And anyway the products all go automatically into smart content as soon as i buy them. So i'm wondering, if by instlling something with DIM, when it already automatically goes into smart content, if that is causing the duplicates error. And if that is the case, then i'm wondering why the instructions when you buy something are formatted as they are on the attachment (that i'm now attaching but forgot to attach before haha)
Love esther
That is just a "suggestion" to use DIM to install your products because it has a lot more versatility and customization, it isn't a "must" install with that method. DIM installs everything the same way, and it will be in smart content once you install it as well. It is strongly suggested to not use different methods to install content. You need to use one or the other because it can cause errors like this and others.
Thank you for your reply but I still dont' qutie get it. What i'm asking, and i know i'm not being super clear, is if you use DIM, but there is also the product automatically installed in smart content, does that create the duplicate issue? Because the product is in two spots in your daz?
Smart Content has nothing to do with isntalaltion method, though the Al and Available isntall state filters in the Products tab are a way of installing through Connect. Smart Content is a content view that organises files/products by categories and optionally (Filter by Context checked) by compatibility - anythign that has suitablke metadata (category, comnpatibility, and content type) will appear In Smart Content (and the Presets tabs of property panes) regardless of how it was installed or created.
ah okay, so installing something via DIM and having already have the thing i buy automatically go into smart countent, is not causing the duplicate message isssue.
Duplicate what? Formulae, I guess, in whichc ase it is either a file error or, most likely, two different morphs using the same names
Oh I always just assumed it was the same product installed twice.
No usually, no, but there have been several potential issues that involve a duplicate something so the precise message matters. But if you have literally the saem file installed multiple times DS will just use the first one it finds.
that's really good to know