My animated short nominated to Filmfestival

my newest animated short (all done in Carrara 8Pro) is nominated to the Filmfestival "Going Underground" in Berlin and Seoul.
You can watch all nominated Films here
My Film "Quiet!" (Competition - Film No.16) is here for watching.
You can also online vote here:
PS: The Filmquality on the YouTube Channel is very bad. You can also watch my animated short on my Vimeo Channel in better Quality,
Post edited by geli.holte_53070dbc82 on
Good luck!
Thanks and also best of luck for you, because everybody who votes got the chance to win an iPad.:coolsmile:
Voted. Good luck!
Thank You.
Please feel free to to pass criticism on my animation. There's room for improvement and I want still learning a lot of animation.
Very nice!
I won't vote because I'm not submitting all that info. to an organization I've just heard about. Sorry. Still, the best of luck to you, I hope you win.
Since you asked, the only problem I see with the video is that the POV shot establishing that he's high up on a building is very quick and the lighting is such that you don't have time to decide what it is that you're seeing. I might have put something in there for a reference, such as moving car or something.
Clever. Congrats on the nomination! It's nice to see hard work recognized.
Very cool!
That's a great idea you've got there!
Thanks to you and everyone who partake in the voting,
Wonderful Lama, had me grinning at the end :)
Yes I voted!
Nice work n my vote!