Filatoon Shadow Casting & Render?

Is it possible to make filatoon objects & characters cast shadows & will they render? Is there a setting, technique or trick to achieve shadows with filament render engine? I love the look of & the possibilities the filatoon/PBR offers. But it would really suck if shadows go out the window with filament engine.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Yes, certainly. The settings can be simple:

    1) Shadow Caster: turn on Cast Shadows on its surface with Filatoon shader; Shadow Receiver: turn on Receive Shadows... Tweak shader settings related to shadow, like Shadow Smooth, MatCap...
    2) Set Shadow Type on source of Lights: Distance Light, Spotlights, etc. Tweak Spread Angle of Spotlights to soften shadows.
    3) Tweak settings related to shadow in Filament Draw Options, as well as Tone Mapping and Color Grading, etc.

    Then experiment more combos to get the results that satisfy you.

    2560 x 1392 - 2M
    2560 x 1392 - 2M
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
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