[resolved] Grainy look in a mirror

Hi everyone !
I have some issues rendering a character in front of a mirror (with Iray engin). My character looks grainy in the mirror whereas the wall don't.
Here an example :
My scene comes from the "wash down" product -> http://www.daz3d.com/wash-down and I'm a newbie in rendering so I didn't set anything for the mirror and there is juste the default light in Daz Studio.
Thank you in advance !
P.S. : I'm really sorry for my poor english, I come from France :/
Post edited by Carmody on
The grainy appearence comes from insufficient light vs. camera exposure/ISO settings, typically. It also looks like you have the headlamp on the camera on. You'll see graininess in photos in the same way, if the camera settings and film characteristics aren't right for the lighting in real life, too.
Also, without the Caustics sampler turned on in Iray, you won't get the 'bounced' light off the mirror that would illuminate her face.
Additional render time (by increasing the Convergence ratio) can also help to reduce the graininess in the shadows, but there are limits. Iray lighting and camera settings are a little tricky to get used to, and can be an art form in and of themselves.
To add to hphoenix advice, also crank render quality way up, too.
Thank you !
Sorry for the late answer, the render took a while !
I turned off the headlamp and created my own lights. Two distant lights to create a kind of ambient light :) For this two lights, I set the temperature to 3000. Then I created one spotlight for the character (above 45°). After that I turned on the Caustics sampler, but her face was still to dark. So I created another spotlight which illimunate her face.
My convergence ratio was set to 95%, I raise up to 98% (I read something which says 98% is good). The render quality was set to 1.0, now it's 2.0 (i really don't know what does 1.0, 2.0 or higher mean^^).
But I don't understand what do you mean by camera settings ? I found this tutorial : http://sickleyield.deviantart.com/journal/Tutorial-Lighting-and-Tone-Mapping-In-Iray-531864617 I will read it very carefully !
And now, here the result of my change (et voilà !) :
Damn, that looks great, glad you got it worked out.
Thanks ;)