Strand based hair not fitting genesis 9

I am suddenly having an issue where strand based hair is not fitting my genesis 9 characters. I am having the issue with FE airplane hair and Neftis Galvario hair. THe scalp fits to the figure, but the hair gets placed midway through the skull rather than covering the head. At a loss as to what to do or why this is the case. Other strand based hairs are working fine. Wondering is anyone else has had this issue or has thoughts on a remedy.
Are you loading them onto a default figure? Some morphs (e.g. Growing Up) don't play well with a lot of hairs.
I didn't see any issue on these hairs... What's the character you're using? If you load the hairs to G9 Base, any issue there ?
Interesting. If I do a genesis 9 the hair fits fine. SO i took the figure in question, made a shaping preset and applied it to the G9 that had the hair. No problem. So then I removed the morphs from the problem figure and with NO morphs, the hair wouldn't work. So Here is my conclusion. The figure I was having a problem with was a morphed version of PDF Alvaro, and the figure, instead of saying Genesis 9 said PDF Alvaro which means that instead of loading a g9 and then adding the character, I just loaded the character. For whatever reason, I have had this happen with some morphs also, that they will work fine on a g9 with Character X morphs, but they won't work on a character where I just loaded the character. If I want that hair, I will need to recreate the character on a base g9.