I've been using Daz Studio for 5 years but still i have "render issues" can you please help me?

Hey, i'm using Daz Studio about 5 years i was had a low level computer back then and i was doing little simple renders but now i have a strong computer;

CPU : AMD Ryzen 5 5600
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
RAM : T-Force Vulcan Z Red 2x16GB

and now when i'm trying to render a scene it's going so slow and noisy (i had a full house with 3 character in my scene)
there's my render settings;

image image

*when i'm trying to render only with GPU it's giving me a black screen render, i open "Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling" and it's still not rendering
also i do OC to CPU (not GPU) and again not rendering when i'm trying to render only with GPU

***only solution is using both (GPU-CPU) for render but still "so slow and noisy"

i'm reading and applying others solutions from this forum but it's not help

so if you read this can you please tell me what should i do?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    32 GB is not that much system RAM - the gernal advice is that to take full advantage of a GPU you need two to three times as much memory as it has, so 32GB would be the minimum. Of course that doesn't stop i from working, just means that system RAM may be a bottlenecck before GPU RAM. Three characters, presumably plus clothes and hair, plus a set is quite a lot - especially if you are not reducing map sizes to suit the render (e.g. using Scene Optimiser or manually editing and aplying through the Surfaces pane). Which driver are you using, and exactly which version of Daz Studio?

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    32 GB is not that much system RAM - the gernal advice is that to take full advantage of a GPU you need two to three times as much memory as it has, so 32GB would be the minimum. Of course that doesn't stop i from working, just means that system RAM may be a bottlenecck before GPU RAM. Three characters, presumably plus clothes and hair, plus a set is quite a lot - especially if you are not reducing map sizes to suit the render (e.g. using Scene Optimiser or manually editing and aplying through the Surfaces pane). Which driver are you using, and exactly which version of Daz Studio?

    yes i have clothes,hairs,furnitures (etc.) in my scene and the scene is using 27GB RAM while rendering so idk it's enough or not, it's not even on the edge but still don't know

    also i'm trying to using "Scene Optimiser" but it takes so long to complete and i stopped idk if it will work or not i didn't even try yet

    my DAZ Studio version is 4.23.01
    and i'm using NVIDIA Studio Software (not Game Ready) and version is 566.36

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    I would think that is almost certainbly running out of GPU memory. Chek the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File).

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    I would think that is almost certainbly running out of GPU memory. Chek the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File).

    i can say that without checking the log file because i'm tracking CPU-GPU-RAM on task manager while rendering so yes GPU Memory is running out and i have 8 GB GPU Memory if it's enough?...

    also i don't know about reading log file if you want to see i can share with

    so what should i do; any recommendations?

    you know the issue...it's seems my system is not enough for that big scenes???

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    No, 8GB is very limiting - sorry, I saw the 4060 in your list and assumed it was the 16GB version.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    No, 8GB is very limiting - sorry, I saw the 4060 in your list and assumed it was the 16GB version.

    i saw a thread on this forum and someone has same problem as me even they have 16GB GPU Memory and he has still render problems...Daz Studio want so much maybe using GPU Bridges is a solution but not for me i can't afford that...

    so moral of the story...what you recommend to me? what should i do?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    Increase the time limit in Render Settings 9it's in seconds) and leave it working on CPU.

  • okay i will try and i hope it works thanks for your help
  • My memory "running out" issue solved but still my renders are noisy especially if the character far away from the camera...characters face is not even visible if they far away from camera because of noises and grinds...

    All my render settings are at maximum and i let the rendering 15 munites or more and iteration go up around 5000+ and still noisy and bad renders...

    when i open "post denoiser" noises are gone but this time image quality getting bad...

    please help me!!! @everyone

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    If the figure ius far from the camera then presumabnly it is also a small part of the render - are there are other elements around it or is it in a void? If it is far from the camera theer may also be floating point precision issues, meaning the renderer can't properly separate the physical (mesh) details. Fifteen minutes is not that long for anything that is at all demanding, and the denoiser is not usually an instant fix - it still needs some of time/samples to do its job properly.

  • sorry for late respond i was busy...

    character is not a small part of render, character is entering the scene with a dialogue from back so it's not a inimportant and yes 15 minutes is not enough i guess and i try longer time with HD wiewport settings and it's much better

    i don't understand what you mean by saying "seperate the physical (mesh)" charachter in a house not in a void and denoiser is destroy all the details in the scene like charcters eyes and sum..

    and i have a another important issue my cameras "Depth Of Field" feature not working on the scene...now i'm trying to read other peoples with same issue here and trying to solve that problem idk why camera is not working on the scene, when i was tring in a void it's working but not in the scene...it's makes me crazy please help me with my issues...

  • FSallmannFSallmann Posts: 2
    edited February 3

    1) Your PC is quite strong, but you could improve by using a better CPU and more RAM. But this is not a real problem.

    2) Black renders are typically caused by a lack of light in the scene. It really is that simple in many cases! So check, whether you have lighting in the scene!

    3) Noisy or grainy renders are often caused by using the wrong type of light (rendering with IRAY while not using lights that are IRL).

    4) There are lots and lots of really good instructions on YouTube on how to speed up and improve your renders with DAZ3D, like this one, for example 

    Or this one

    Post edited by FSallmann on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    RedGreenBlue said:

    sorry for late respond i was busy...

    character is not a small part of render, character is entering the scene with a dialogue from back so it's not a inimportant and yes 15 minutes is not enough i guess and i try longer time with HD wiewport settings and it's much better

    I meant small in area, not small in importance (which wouldn't have any bearing on the technical aspects).

    i don't understand what you mean by saying "seperate the physical (mesh)" charachter in a house not in a void and denoiser is destroy all the details in the scene like charcters eyes and sum..

    OK, that is what I meant - was it part of a modelled scene or not. But this is typical, the denoiser needs multiple iterations to do anything useful (although I have found it has problems with certain types of repeating patter, such as shleves of books, even if it is given time)

    and i have a another important issue my cameras "Depth Of Field" feature not working on the scene...now i'm trying to read other peoples with same issue here and trying to solve that problem idk why camera is not working on the scene, when i was tring in a void it's working but not in the scene...it's makes me crazy please help me with my issues...

    If you switch to another view (e.g. Perspective View) and select the camera node you will see two planes, which define the in-focus area - if they are too far apart then theer will not be much blur to see.

  • FSallmann said:

    1) Your PC is quite strong, but you could improve by using a better CPU and more RAM. But this is not a real problem.

    2) Black renders are typically caused by a lack of light in the scene. It really is that simple in many cases! So check, whether you have lighting in the scene!

    3) Noisy or grainy renders are often caused by using the wrong type of light (rendering with IRAY while not using lights that are IRL).

    4) There are lots and lots of really good instructions on YouTube on how to speed up and improve your renders with DAZ3D, like this one, for example 

    Or this one

    i know about that but i'm not dealing with create bunch of lights instead i'm using iray ghost lights thanks for your help tho 

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    RedGreenBlue said:

    sorry for late respond i was busy...

    character is not a small part of render, character is entering the scene with a dialogue from back so it's not a inimportant and yes 15 minutes is not enough i guess and i try longer time with HD wiewport settings and it's much better

    I meant small in area, not small in importance (which wouldn't have any bearing on the technical aspects).

    i don't understand what you mean by saying "seperate the physical (mesh)" charachter in a house not in a void and denoiser is destroy all the details in the scene like charcters eyes and sum..

    OK, that is what I meant - was it part of a modelled scene or not. But this is typical, the denoiser needs multiple iterations to do anything useful (although I have found it has problems with certain types of repeating patter, such as shleves of books, even if it is given time)

    and i have a another important issue my cameras "Depth Of Field" feature not working on the scene...now i'm trying to read other peoples with same issue here and trying to solve that problem idk why camera is not working on the scene, when i was tring in a void it's working but not in the scene...it's makes me crazy please help me with my issues...

    If you switch to another view (e.g. Perspective View) and select the camera node you will see two planes, which define the in-focus area - if they are too far apart then theer will not be much blur to see.

    okay thanks for your help again! smiley

    i will never use denoiser because i'll try so many times with different scenes and always ruin the quality

    and also i had "Depth Of Field" issues because of my lack of info i was not focus so well and was increase F/Stop for set the that two planes for my scene and later i learn that if you increase that F/Stop there's no blur and now i keep that setting as defult or little bit decrease for more blur

    so...with DOF and with longer render time i will make smooth and quality renders heart


    i really really don't know why it happen but as you can see in the pictures i set DOF panels focus on the 3 character and that character away from the camera (in the red circle in the picture) is not focused and getting blurred...

    image image

    i try every possibilities; changing camera, angles, environment or others but i can't solve this problem and again please help me!!!


    1920 x 1080 - 372K
    1490 x 642 - 427K
  • GhostofMacbethGhostofMacbeth Posts: 1,676

    The character in the back is partly in the focus area and partly out of it. Notice how the plane cuts through the figure.

  • The character in the back is partly in the focus area and partly out of it. Notice how the plane cuts through the figure.

    but i believe it's not the issue because i tried to replace the panels and fit the character through panels between and it still blurred and as you can see the character in front of the camera has same panel position as the character far away from camera but that character is focused but other one is blurred so...that's mind blowing
  • ElorElor Posts: 2,012

    Iray Section Plane Nodes may be a useful too for you case, allowing you to move the camera outside of the room and getting more space to play with DoF:

    Video tutorial on Iray Section Plane Nodes

    More information on them, with various useful advices:


    A good combination between the node placement and the camera settings should make it seems as if the camera was in the room.

  • Elor said:

    Iray Section Plane Nodes may be a useful too for you case, allowing you to move the camera outside of the room and getting more space to play with DoF:

    Video tutorial on Iray Section Plane Nodes

    More information on them, with various useful advices:


    A good combination between the node placement and the camera settings should make it seems as if the camera was in the room.

    wow that's really cool i didn't know about that and i wonder how useful and different options Daz have thanks for that info but...still i have the DOF issues same as before i wonder what's the cause of that and what's the solution for that... crying

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    As someone already noted, the character in the back is partially cut by the distant plane for your DOF. Increase the fstop value to where the plane is well beyond the character in the back. I think possibly the focal length of the camera might be affecting the DOF a bit to where the planes aren't completely acurate. 14mm creates a pretty wide angle lens. You could increase the focal length if you use an Iray Section Plane to make the corner of the house invisible to the camera and move the camera outside the wall. This might help with your DOF issues as well.

  • You need a powerful system i9 128 ddr 5 gig ram 4090 video card liquid cooling system 

    and only then your problems will go away

  • Softimage_Graphic_Artist said:

    You need a powerful system i9 128 ddr 5 gig ram 4090 video card liquid cooling system 

    and only then your problems will go away

    perhaps become less frequent, at least until one gets so used to the headroom that one uses it up with more elaborate scenes.

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    Softimage_Graphic_Artist said:

    You need a powerful system i9 128 ddr 5 gig ram 4090 video card liquid cooling system 

    and only then your problems will go away

    Ummm .... I don't think so. If you don't undetstand and\or know how do do everything, expemsive equipment won't make you any better. 

  • DustRider said:

    As someone already noted, the character in the back is partially cut by the distant plane for your DOF. Increase the fstop value to where the plane is well beyond the character in the back. I think possibly the focal length of the camera might be affecting the DOF a bit to where the planes aren't completely acurate. 14mm creates a pretty wide angle lens. You could increase the focal length if you use an Iray Section Plane to make the corner of the house invisible to the camera and move the camera outside the wall. This might help with your DOF issues as well.

    i try this already but still not work, i don't know what's my mistake if i understand that i'll solve but...you can check my previous messages i said i try everyting possible and still not have any solution

  • DustRider said:

    Softimage_Graphic_Artist said:

    You need a powerful system i9 128 ddr 5 gig ram 4090 video card liquid cooling system 

    and only then your problems will go away

    Ummm .... I don't think so. If you don't undetstand and\or know how do do everything, expemsive equipment won't make you any better. 

    yes you're right i know so many people have low system and still make good renders expensive system not a solution you should know more about Daz and it all depends on how you use Daz Studio

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    RedGreenBlue said:

    DustRider said:

    As someone already noted, the character in the back is partially cut by the distant plane for your DOF. Increase the fstop value to where the plane is well beyond the character in the back. I think possibly the focal length of the camera might be affecting the DOF a bit to where the planes aren't completely acurate. 14mm creates a pretty wide angle lens. You could increase the focal length if you use an Iray Section Plane to make the corner of the house invisible to the camera and move the camera outside the wall. This might help with your DOF issues as well.

    i try this already but still not work, i don't know what's my mistake if i understand that i'll solve but...you can check my previous messages i said i try everyting possible and still not have any solution

    Maybe creating a new camera and using it will help? It's just a wild guess, but it would rule out something odd going on with the camera.

  • DustRider said:

    RedGreenBlue said:

    DustRider said:

    As someone already noted, the character in the back is partially cut by the distant plane for your DOF. Increase the fstop value to where the plane is well beyond the character in the back. I think possibly the focal length of the camera might be affecting the DOF a bit to where the planes aren't completely acurate. 14mm creates a pretty wide angle lens. You could increase the focal length if you use an Iray Section Plane to make the corner of the house invisible to the camera and move the camera outside the wall. This might help with your DOF issues as well.

    i try this already but still not work, i don't know what's my mistake if i understand that i'll solve but...you can check my previous messages i said i try everyting possible and still not have any solution

    Maybe creating a new camera and using it will help? It's just a wild guess, but it would rule out something odd going on with the camera.

    i tried that too, camera aside i create a whole new scene with different objects and still camera not focus the objects and characters that far away even if it inside the between the panels...

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692
    edited February 19

    What does your image look like if you increase f/stop to 20?

    Post edited by felis on
  • felis said:

    What does your image look like if you increase f/stop to 20?

    you can find the image on this thread (i'm sorry i don't know how to link or mention the comment i post)

    and yes i try to increase the f/stop too but same and the power of blur is decrease but still blurry

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