Setting "Material ID" For Use With LPE

IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

I would like to set a "Material ID" for different surfaces for use with LPE.

Do I set the material ID in the shader pane?

For example...

I select the skin surfaces I want my LPE to effect and assign them RGB 1 1 1 on the color selector named "Material ID".

I want to use the LPE

C[<L.>[1 1 1]][R]{0,3}[S]{0,3}[T][R]{0,3} | C[<L.>R][R]{0,3}[S]{0,3}[1 1 1][R]{0,3}[T][R]{0,3} don't use this it doesn't work

Do I have the Materials ID correct in my LPE?

Does LPE use RGB shadre Material ID?

Do I use the "Tags" instead?

Post edited by IceCrMn on


  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149

    I've spent a little more time on this.


    I've not figured out how to set a Material ID yet.

    But I did make some ground on writing the LPE expressions.


    This one

    E [VT]* L | E <RD>* [DS]* L | E [DS]* L

    and This one

    E <VD>* L | E <TD>* L | E <RD>* L

    are working quite well for me.

    The expression in my first post is completely wrong and doesn't work so I've edited my post to reflect that.

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