Somehow turned model into low poly in viewport.

in New Users
I was messing around and accidentally made my model remain as low poly in Viewport. It renders subdivided. But it used to be subdivided in the viewport as well.
I tried all the subdivision settings in the "Parameters" tab.
The model's shader (saw someone ask about it in some other thread) is Iray Uber.
I cannot switch it back to high poly. Looked everywhere, and google isn't helping.
Basically what my desired outcome is to view my model subdivided in my viewport window, as it used to be.
thanks in advance.
So it is still textured? And the Viewport SubD level is 1 (or more)?
Yes, there's such issue sometimes in Viewport... You can try switching Base and High Resolution back and forth in Resolution Level property, or Ctrl Alt + LMB Drag in Viewport or Pan in Viewport, or pressing Alt Shift + G and Alt Shift + U (Geometry Editor Tool and Universal Tool) back and forth ~~
See if it works.