Scan Result question

Exactly what is this? The announcement for 4.9 describes it as "Scan Results - Local user-facing assets dicovered during a content scan." That's easy enough to understand, but the items that show up after doing a scan in Scan Results do not include all the newly installed items. And is there a way of clearing the Scan Results so that new scans don't just add more and more products to the Scan Results category?
Is it not showing newly-installed items that don't have metadata?
You can categorize th Scan Results to clear them out for the next time.
That might be it, only showing items that don't have metadata. The Scenebuilder utilities script is included which made me think that wouldn't be it, but maybe there is no metadata for Scenebuilder. Thanks. I'll explore that angle.
As for removing the results, the Reality scene showed up as a Scan Result. I categorized it but it didn't go away. I closed D/S and opened it again, but the Reality scene is still in the Scan Result.