Content missing after update

After updating to 4.9 my whole library content is completely GONE!
I have to download again ALL stuff.
So what about "Your previously installed content remains untouched after installing Daz Studio 4.9. " ?????
yes, I've checked this several times. the install deleted the stuff without permission.
Any suggestions / hints at this point?
Have you checked the content manager if it has the correct directories set up? Where was your content installed, in the program directory folder itself?
DS won't have removed files - are you sure theya re not showing at all in the Content Library pane? If it's just Smart Content/Categories/Products that are missing please open a support ticket.
Ok ... I digged deeper and found, that the installation doesn't used automaticly the paths from the 4.8 installation, as expected.
So it seems to be my fault. Such things like this update drive me crazy within seconds when they do something unexpected, so sorry for perhaps sounding harsh.
Glad to hear you found your content! And don't worry... I know that feeling of panic very well, when suddenly everything seems to be gone. On the bright side of things, this happens once, and the next time the first thing I checked was the CD Manager.
So guys the same thing happened to me in the smart also gave me a message about the new service not running because of a firewall..or something not in my pc right now...can someone please tell me how to give studio the corect paths again? Im not very familiar with how studio works but im about to give it a try...thank you
Which firewall do you use?