Inconsisent behaviour IRay Render Settings (Max Time / Samples)

I'm a bit annoyed by the inconsitent behaviour of the Render Settings
Render Settings -> IRay -> Progressive Rendering -> Max Time (secs)
Render Settings -> IRay -> Progressive Rendering -> Max Samples
For Max Time, when I set it to 0 it will remove the time constraint from the progressive rendering and render as long as another constraint is met (as expected)
For Max Samples, when I set it to 0 it will stop before the first Iteration and renders a black frame (it took me an hour trying to find out whats wrong with my lighting ;-) )
Is it possible to fix that?
Is there any other way to disable the Max Sample Constraint and only constraint it by the convergence?
(DAZ 4.9, Win 10)
You can use the gear icon and uncheck use limits to crank samples up higher.
I think to shut off Max Samples it needs to be -1...
It really seems to be more useful to up min samples than max samples to be honest. I just ran a test rendering with 15000, then 55000, and it stopeed at about the same point. But tripling the min samples made it render way more samples.
For me, it also seems to be convergance ratio that triggers the render to stop. Not sure if you can turn that off at all, but I heard going past 99% causes issues. I tried puttin that to 0 and that don't turn it off. Would be nice to just have infinity toggles for everything.
Ok, it seems turning off rendering quality eliminates convergance from the equation. Setting max to -1 results in no render at all. So to get close to what say reality render does, you have to turn off render quality, turn time to zero, then crank up the min and max samples absurdly high. Very inconsistant indeed.
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all makes sense when you are mimic/trying realism, PC needs more computer processing for render this kind of works, the fixed ratio on iRay is fine, and is a way to secure nobody will have exploted PC's due to infinite over rendering, or at least, a gpu burned for overheating.
When some users have more PC computing processing, they can remove limits and going for more than 150K iterations, but more iterations does not give a better render image if all your pre work is still using 3delight shaders and no tweaking into iray materials.
just my $3 MXP.