Toggeling visibility of objects between Frames

is there any possibility to toggle the visibility (in render) of certain objects in differntly from frame to frame in the timeline?
Everything I tried so far switched off the visibility in all frames.
Funny, I too am just now exploring ways to make a prop appear and disappear in an animation I am working on.
So far I believe the following methods should work, but of course would like to know if I am missing other options.
Hope one of these works for you. Option 3 above seems the most direct method, just tricky to figure out how the "toggle" works.
Thanks for the info!
Is this on a different pane or do I need to buy the Animate2 (non light) plugin for that?
I am using the full version of Animate2, so the following is for that. Hopefully it will work for the light version as well.
In the case of making a prop appear and disappear in a DAZ animation sequence using the “Visible in Render” option, try the following:
Note, the visibility change of the prop will not show in your preview, so you will have to run a quick animation (use fast render) to confirm you are getting the results you want.