Batch Processing paths in Parameters Tab?

So, some vendors, particularly 3rd party vendors, are rather sloppy in how they place their morphs in the Parameters tab. Now, I know how to move them where they should be (for my organization at least) by editing the path in the Parameters Settings, under the gear icon, and then saving asa a modified asset. My question is, how can I do this path edit on multiple morphs at once?

For example, if a vendor called VendorX has put 25 elf ear morphs under Morph Loader/VendorX/Elf Parts, and I want to move them to Actor/Head/Ears/Fantasy, is there a way to do all 25 as a batch? I can't find where I can edit the path for the subdirectory Morph Loader/VendorX/Elf Parts directly, and move all the morphs filed under that at once.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,118

    Right-click in Parameters pane to turn on Edit Mode, Ctrl + Select (or Shift +Click select..) multiple morph properties, right-click menu : Set > Property Group...

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