Understanding the ToS

Hey all. I hope some of you can clarify some things for me, as I have a bit of trouble completely understanding the ToS. Sepcifically the part about renders.
So to be specific, what I am asking is whether or not it is allowed to redistribute 2D images rendered in an isometric angle of different Daz Studio assets.
I understand the part about 3D models and textures, that you are not allowed to redistribute those, but I am not a 100% sure if it's the same with rendered assets.
The specific ones I am referring to is isometric graphics for games. Not ones where you would be able to extract the textures of the models. Just to be clear. laugh
I have attached some example renders, just so you know what I am talking about.


Shield 003_1.png
29 x 49 - 6K
Cabinet 001_2.png
36 x 81 - 9K
Orcish campfire 001_1.png
54 x 61 - 11K
Orcish cage 001_1.png
106 x 150 - 34K


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Using Daz Studio to make Sprites, or any other 2D image, is fine for the vast majority of assets sold in the Daz store. You don't need the interactive licence for that at all.

    The only assets to be wary about are the ones with the editorial licence ones which are not allowed to be used for any commercial purposes. Maybe, maybe, if your game is and forever will be 100% freeware then you might be OK but I would not risk it and just stick to the vast majority that do not have the editorial licence. Certainly if you charge for, or use patron-style financing, for your game then I would steer clear of those.

  • ErlingErling Posts: 7

    Thanks for the fast reply!
    This actually isn't for my own game, but rather 'expansions' for another already made game. And the renders will be a 100% free.
    I will just have to check the products before I use them, as I really have no idea which ones has which licence. Especially since my first purchase on the Daz store was in 2006. So I have accumulated quite a large library since then. laugh

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    As far as I am aware that should still be fine - because they are 2D and those can be used in any situation.

    For the editorial stuff it's a bit awkward to keep track of, unfortunately. There is a thread that tries to keep on top of them here so you can give that a look to see if anything you wanted to use appears there. I believe there is a way to see this info in Daz Studio but it requires you to login to your account and then specifically update the metadata/info for each product.

    The editorial licence is reasonably new - around 2022 I believe. So, products released before then should not be affected since you cannot retro-actively degrade the licence for people who purchased the product under the normal licence. It's a bit awkard now since quite a few vendors have moved stores but if you want to be sure it might be best to double-check the store page for the assets you want to use to make sure that they are still there and, if released after 2022, are not sold under the editorial licence.

    I know you said your expansion would be given for free but it's probably still best to avoid the editorial licence since there is bound to be an alternative that is sold under the standard licence, especially since you are shrinking them down to pixellated sizes for the sprites.

  • ErlingErling Posts: 7

    Yeah, I will stay away from the editorial licence then. And as I mentioned before, I will just have to double check the individual products before using them.

    And again, thank you for the reply, and the information. It is very helpful!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited January 20

    Erling As long as the file(s) doesn't contain the geometry, in most cases you will be fine. The one exception that comes to mind has already been mentioned, which was Editorial Licensed products. You can sell or use any 2D renders with the 1 exception. There could be another, but I will check just to be sure when one of the other mods come on.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • ErlingErling Posts: 7

    Thanks a lot for the reply, Frank. I will wait and see if anyone else pitches in. But I think it's safe to say that redistributing renders that doesn't include any gemoetry or texture maps should be fine. smiley

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