Mesh Grabber: Saved Morphs - Transfer or Delete?

I purchased the Mesh Grabber Bundle. I have modified the mesh of a G8 Figure and created a morph so I can animate the setting. I am finding that a clothing item does not follow the morph because the Mesh Grabber morph that was saved with the G8 figure is missing on the clothing item - I checked for hidden parameters. Adding the clothing item after the mesh grabber morph has been applied to the G8 figure also does not add the morph. Even if I save the scene, close Daz and reload the saved scene.
Is there a way to copy the Mesh Grabber morph over to the clothing item so it matches the G8 figure, including when the morph is animated? I tried to transfer the morph via the Transfer Utility. It did not work.
Is it possible to delete a Mesh Grabber morph from the figure in case I decide to get rid of it and start over with a new morph? I know I can zero out the morph, but I would like to have a clean figure without orphaned Mesh Grabber morphs.
No, there isn't because G8 and the clothing are different figures with different geometry. You want to make that partial body morph Auto Follow: in Parameter Settings of the saved morph made with MG on G8 figure, check Auto Follow. Save it as Morph Asset (Modifier Asset in DS 4.23+). Reload your scene.
Yes, certainly. But if you ever saved it as a Morph / Modifier Asset, you also have to delete its DSF file in data folder.
I did not save the morph as an asset. It's just live in the scene where I applied the Mesh Grabber morph. How do I delete the morph from the figure completely? And is there a way to copy that morph to a clothing item?
Right-click in Parameters pane to turn on Edit Mode (ss1). Right-click on the saved MG morph to Delete Selected Property (ss2)
There's no way to "Copy" that morph from G8 to clothing items. I've alread told you how to make it by using Auto Follow.. as above.
Thanks! Sorry - I missed your post about the Auto Follow setting.
No problem !