Content installation question

I have noticed that when you install new contents (via DIM to D/S 4.9), it is no longer marked "new" with a blue little icon like in the old 4.8 version. Nor is it marked "new" after I do a "Scan Known Directories for Files." This was so helpful when categorizing the new content. Now, you have to search through all the content to find the newly installed files and hope you can remember them all. Am I missing some settings I need to change in 4.9 (Windows 10, 64-bit)?
No, this feature has been changed. On the plus side you do now have the ability to sort the Smart Content product list by install date (but update date, I believe, will not work for items updated through DIM).
What a bummer! I do notice, though, that some content is still marked as "new" with a greenish little splash in the lower right corner of the .png icon. However, I can't figure out any rime or reason as to when the "new" designation shows up. I have two main directories for the content (as you suggested in another thread): My Library for 3rd party stuff and My DAZ 3D Library for Daz stuff. For now, it seems that only products installed to My Library have the "new" designation.
I thought it might depend on which directory is at the top in the Content Directory Manager. My Library had been at the top when I did my first installations. So I moved My DAZ 3D Library to the top, did some more installations, but the new items were not marked with the "new" splash. Have you come across this, Richard (or anyone)?
Items installed via Connect will show as New, but that isn't working quite as in previous versions - it's an example of the new content gropups, items will remain in the New group until explictly removed (right-click menu) rather than clearing the marker as soon as you click on them.
Something sure ins't working correctly for me. I have not yet used Connect to install a new item, but yet, as I said above, some items do indeed show as "new." I just tried again to install a 3rd party product to My Library but it did not get the "new" designation. It seems it's stricly hit and miss. I don't know if I should open a support ticket or suggest the "new designation" feature to be included in tuture versions??
Nothing you install manually will get tagged, it's a CMS function.
If you install something manually, you need to "Scan Known Directories for New Content" in order for them to be tagged as new.
Fixmypcmike - As I indicated in my first post above, I did indeed "scan known directories for new content" but it still didn't get tagged as "new." On the other hand, unlike what Richard said, some content that I did install manually did get tagged as"new." There doesn't seem to be any logical way the "new" tagging takes place.