DAZ could you make the cookies window smaller please
Since the cookies window seems to be a permanent addition to all pages on the DAZ website could it be made smaller? I am aware that it can temporarily removed by logging out and in again etc, but this is at best a short term fix, it alway comes back. It's been going on so long now that I think it is a permanenet 'feature' of the website. With that in mind, and to improve the customer experience, could the cookies window be made much smaller so that it doesn't obscure so much of the screen please. I know for almost all websites it's important to have users acknowledge and accept/reject cookies, but for the DAZ website I believe it no longer serves that purpose.
If it's got to be there then just make it one line of text??
I had to switch browsers AGAIN on iPad because it returned this week
in the store too!
They could just turn the whole cookie popup off, since it's not required and the whole malicious compliance thing is getting so very old.
Unfortunately the pop-up is a legal requirement. No site would have them if they had the choice.
I joined DAZ+ and am rewarded with the popup on every page on Chrome on my PC now
You should only have to click decline or accept once per session, not on every SINGLE page!
weirdly enough Edge no longer shows the popup, it still was last week but not looked since until now, so unsure if joining DAZ+ changed that
Are your browsers set to accept cookies? If not, you can accept the prompt all you want, but if it doesn't get stored, the prompt will keep coming back. Once you get it, you can revert your settings.
I regularly accept cookies for other sites and they remember
DAZ did too, until it didn't
in this case signing up for DAZ+ and having to autofill out my details seems to retriggered it
I really DONT want to clear out all my cookies for other sites I regularly use to fix it
Your browser should allow you to selectively cull cookies.
Could be stale cookies (pun intended)...
The gremlins seem to find a way to bring them back. Constantly.
now it's doing it on Edge too
It seems like it should happen only once when you enter a site, but not every time you go to another page in that site. Once is enough. It drives me crazy.
Yeah, it happens so much I am conditioned to move my cursor where the box pops up and make it go away. We seriously need this fixed-I imagine there's some consumers who are really annoyed by this and it causes them to leave the site, and to not explore the store.
it's gone away on Chrome again
That pop-up from the bottom on each page is really annoying! I find my iPad gets it but no problem with my Windows based laptop.
I was able, as Richard mentioned above, to cull the Daz cookie by itself, but it was still happening!
Duh! Ugh! Shame on me, I forget to restart my iPad!
It is now thankfully gone! I hope for good!
I think they fided something their end because I didn't and now it's gone from everywhere
(hope I didn't jinx that)
I hope your right WendyLuvsCatz. Sometimes it is those little things that bug the "shivers" out of me.
It's the gremlins playing tricks on us. I hope they get it to stop soon, it's incredibly annoying.
Popups have indeed gone for the moment, it makes the browsing experience so much better, I hope it lasts.
it's come back on Chrome
Update, now Edge too
DAZ keep telling us it's our end, are lots of people saying a lot of nonsense this week
Maybe DZ should address why their website apparently causs so many peoples computers to 'malfunction' such that the cookies popup re-appears.
I'm reminded of this: https://zerodotnine.co.uk/cookies/wave-goodbye-to-the-cookie-law/
Cookies do other things besides track individual users including site security, keep users synced to the store in general, etc... The UK law concerns the subset known as tracking cookies.