Why my characters don't match the seller's characters?

I've been purchasing characters from the Daz store for a long time, but recently, I've encountered issues with some of them. Certain female characters appear unusually masculine when loaded into a scene, and their personal morphs either don't work or seem broken. Interestingly, other characters I own function perfectly fine, so the issue seems isolated to specific purchases.
I’ve also noticed a pattern where some sellers release a character and then delete it from the store shortly after. This isn’t limited to one seller but includes a few I’ve observed. While I don’t want to assume these sellers are acting dishonestly, it does raise concerns, especially since the problematic characters often come from these sellers.
For example, the character "PN Lyusan for Genesis 9" looks very different in my scene compared to its advertised appearance. The face doesn’t match. This is just one of several characters with similar issues. I’d appreciate any insights or assistance with this.

Check if the character's head morphs are fully and correctly dialed in Parameters pane after loading the character preset from the product folder. I know in a few cases, the head morphs is just set as 1% as default in the preset.
Fill a ticket if the issue persists. As for the case in which you bought a problematic product then the product disappears from the store... better request for a refund as yoy may never get the support for that product.
The parameters are correctly dialed, but they have no effect on the character at all. Sliding them doesn’t produce any changes. The character only responds as expected when using sliders from other products.
Okay,then if you go to the data folder of DSF file (from File Path in Parameter Settings of the head morph property > Click that gear icon on the property slider...), can you see the very small file size of DSF file? If you can, that is the culprit.
Or, if you open DSF file with Notepad++, then you find no geometry data or "wrong data" defined in DSF file, that's also the culprit. Then you have to fill a ticket to report the issue.
I've had it in the past where some morphs/expressions meant for G8 don't work on G8.1, or very little change happens, you could try a different base character.
This character is for G9... there's no other G9 Base figure ~~
Hello, I tested this character a lot before sending it for approval. It was also rigorously tested by Daz and it didn't present any problems. Sometimes, another product with morphs that remain active due to an error when packaging the product can cause distortions in other products. In this case, it seems to me that the product is not installed correctly, especially the data folder, because the morphs are not being activated. But I can assure you that the product has no problems loading.