Several questions

Hi, I have several questions since I’m learning the studio tool.
- I have a saved scene and I closed the studio application. I want to open the scene again and render the SAME exact thing I did already, but when I open the scene the camera goes back to the initial position. Is there a way to save the camera position and angle of the scene?
- Is there a way to “copy” the size and the position of an object into another?
- Is there a way to quickly move an object to the hand of a character? I know ho to bond them so they can move together, but sometime if the 3 arrows are not perfect, moving an object is such a pain
- Is there a guide to create a new material? For example, I bought a t-shirt and I want a green one too.
- Same thing to add more morphs. I bet they are just shapekeys, right? Sometime I really want to use a certain model and I want to hide/remove some small clipping parts
- I have a problem with a model (Licorys, Tha pack has some makeup materials too (lipstick, eyeshadow, etc…) but they don’t appear (not even when I render the scene) even if I select the right model. My problem is that I don’t get any error. What can I do?
Thank you
The Perspective View is not saved, aniamted, or added to the undor stack - if you get a view you like you should create a camera to match (Create>Camera, then in the options dialogue expand it to show More Options and select the oiption to copy the current view).
If they are the same siz then copy/paste works (cmd/ctrl c, cmd/ctrl V or use the Edit menu). Trying to adjust different items to match isn't possible automatically (though a script could be written to work on the bounding boxes, and the align pane woudl handle placement but not scaling). Measure Metrics (paid-for plug-in) could be used to apply measures as a guide while adjusting scale.
If you turn off Parent In Place (check box at the bottom of the Change Parent dialogue or toggleable command in the Scene pane option menu, the lined/hamburger button in the top corner) then when you parent an item the child will snap to match its origin to that of its parent - from there it can be adjusted to fit in the hand. The Align pane can also be used, or the Snap Parent script for parenting a prop to a bone (essentially the same as turning off Parent in Place).
Select the object in the Scene and open the Surfaces pane, in its Editor tab select the shirt (or a specific surface under the shirt - the Surface Selection tool is useful for this). You can then change basic settings (Base Colour, for example, to add a green tint) or you an apply a Shader Preset (from the Presets tab or from a general content pane) - there are various free and for-sale packs with shaders for different kinds of fabric.
You can use a dForm to add a shape, then the dForm pane will turn it into a morph; if you are a Premier member you can use the Geometry Scluptor tool, or you can purchase an older version of the same tool as Mesh Grabber. You can also export an OBJ (File>Export, make sure it is at base resolution), modify it in a modellign application, and then use Edit>Figure>Morph Loader to bring it as a new morph (make sure you use the same preset in the two options dialogues or s cale/orientation may not match)
If you mean a slider for a shape made from mutliple morphs then don't use the export/importroute as it breaks many things - instead you can spawn a new controller and then make it a driver for the rest of the proerpties, giving you a one-slider control for the shape. With the shape, and ideally nothing else, applied right-click in the Parameters pane and enable Edit mode, right-click in the desired property group and Create a New Property, give it settings, then set the new slider to 100% and right-click on it>ERC Freeze, check the right items are listed as sub-components, and click Accept.
I don't have this character and can't see any obvious gotchas in the description (it doesn't mention using Geometry Shells, for example) so I don't know why it isn't working.
Make-ups on Lycoris work well with no issue on my side. You just need to select the figure, then apply the make-ups. (Material Presets). Better post a screenshot if it still doensn't work.
Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for.
What a pain. Thank you
Thank you.
I didn't know this could be a way. But I want to learn how I can export and edit a texture fil so I can make more complex changes.
Thank you, I'll give it a try
Another questions: is there a way to reset multiple parameters in one way? For example, can I reset all the 3 rotations of an object in one go?
The textures are already external files - if you click the tiny thumbnail next to a property bar in the Surfaces pane that has a map you will get a menu that starts with browse - click that to open a file dialogue, from which you can access system tools (e.g. right-click on the image and use the Open With command). Save under a new name before making changes; you can use the Browse command properly to select and apply a different map.
Only one at a time or, via Edit>Figure>Restore (or Zero), all at once. A script could be written to reset or zero specific transforms on any selected node however. Edit: or if you have the Parameterspane in Edit mode, as discussed earlier, you can multi-select properties using ctrl/shift modifiers and then a right-click will offer a command to set their values in one go - but I think alt/opt-clicking the sldiers one-by-one will be easier.