How Do I Gather All Data, Runtime/Textures, and How Do I Make a .tip Button In Product Folder?

Hello, I'm just going to have to accept defeat that my neurodivergence has yet again thwarted all attempts at understanding the absolute basics- and talking to Chat GPT leads to hours of stream of conscious discussions about interdimentional entities, fibonnacci concepts for creating spatial music, et cetera but never do we figure out how to share the stuff I've created for Daz...

Before being asked, I've spent several grand on Merchant Resources as well as use Blender to sculpt trademark stylizations to ensure anything I wish to share does not infringe upon the work created by others, and follow each corresponding Resource Agreement as written by the creators. 


For this example, I'm trying to collect and save my PardiFowl Starry Eye Geoshell files which I'd like to share for free on Renderosity and CGBytes freebie markets to promote my Patreon and Twitch stream. So essentially I need, in Daz, for it to be accessible under "My Daz 3d Library>People>Genesis 8/9>Materials(or?)>PardiFowl>Starry Eye Geo" (I already created the sequential series of subfolders) and there I would need a button that removes eye moisture or tears (Gen9, like how Masina by JASA has a button for this which I use, but I have to make my own, I guess it's a .tip image?) and a button to make the scelera iris and pupils solid black, and the !Apply Geoshell button with the starry eye geo. I've clicked "Save As-Support Asset - Figure/Prop asset'. So where does this file save? Also, in order to have different color options or something of that nature, do I need to "Save As-Material Preset"? And am I able to just move the preset and runtimes? And, for .tip image (if that's the DSON file people use for mat buttons), I have Render Queue and there's an option to make product image sets so I can look into that further. But once I have images made for the button I don't know how to put one in my artist folder and link it to parameters. 


That's a lot and probably an overly complicated way to ask what is likely more simple than I've convinced myself. . .


  1. How do I make a DSON button or .tip that links to parameters or mats (i.e., turn eye moisture cutout opacity to 0 or to make options for eye colors)
  2. If "Save As - Support Asset - Figure/Prop Asset" is the correct way to create a data file for the geoshell geometry, where does it save?
  3. Or, huh?






  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692
    edited January 11

    When you save as support asset, it saves the data files, geometry, UV, in the data folder. Textures should be saved in the Runtime/Textures folder. And the user facing file where you save it.

    The exact path will depend on what you type in as vendor and product name.

    Newer Daz Studio does default save a tip file when saving. You can replace the icon and the tip files if you want by saving your wanted images with the same name. A tip file is default a lreger version of the icon. It does not contian functionality.

    If you want to save a material change you should save it as a material file (preset).

    Post edited by felis on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited January 11

    If you're making Products no matter for sharing or selling, better create a separate Daz Library, e.g. My Product Library. That'll be easy for managing the folders of product assets as well as for tweaking / testing, yada yada ~~

    As for geo-shell products, geo-shells have no geometry data, so you don't need to save Figure/Prop Assets for geo-shell... instead, just save them as Wearable Presets into the user-facing folders. Even if you make unique UVs for the geo-shell, you should save UV set on Genesis figure rather than the geo-shell node per se.

    For various materials that you defined for the geo-shell Wearables, saving them as H.Material Presets or Material Presets will do.

    If you want to save Material Preset for specific slot on a certain surface, like Cutout Opacity on Eye Moisture, when saving Material Preset, only select the relevant slots in Material Preset Save Options dialogue.


    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    You should save the Geometry Shell as a Wearables preset, not an asset (the whole point of a shell is that it is a live copy of the original, like an instance but with its own materials) - making it a separate asset, with its own geoemtry and morphs which are copies of the base, would be a copyright violation.

    Proeprties presets can be used to hide parts, or conditional grafts.

    The .tip image is the larger (256 pixels square) companion file for the .duf and thumbnail - filename.duf, filename.png, - that appears when hovering over a file in a content pane (if tooltips are enabled).

    I would always urge, before doing anything, creating a content directory specifically for your product - place all the textures in there before applying them to the model, when saving assets use the drop[  down at the top of the options dialogue to select that as the content directory, and all of your files sshould end up in the one directory tree - add a readme, zip it up, and it should be ready to share.

  • Thank you felis, crosswind, and Richard for your helpful responses! Everyone with different helpful details. I'm sure I'll get it up in no time, with some library reorganizing and such.

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