Genesis 9 has cast away all morphs and I'm questioning my relationship decision

spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

Just upgraded my membership. Huzzah - I said in a single panel with a happy word balloon. I shall move my comic characters to Genesis 9 slowly, and I'll start with-

Insert shock lines as Genesis 9 loads with... absolutely competely NO MORPHS.


Not the ones I made

Not the ones I bought.

Literally nothing.

I checked the files,I checked folders, I looked to see if there was a duplicate somthing. Everything looks to be in order.

Do y'all know I'm so tired of problems like these, I can barely work up the desire to think about Gollum much less type a post talking like him over this. I just upgraded fss.

Is this problem fixable? Yes? No?

Post edited by spearcarrier on


  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

    Edit: make that NO ONE has morphs.... THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST TIME FOR DAZ TO DO THIS... aaaaaAAaaaaahhhhaghghghghhghgghgh

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    You said "Just upgraded my membership." What did you upgrade from and to?

    I'm not aware of anyone else reporting a problem like this (ALL G9 morphs disappearing.) Did you update more than your membership? Did you update Daz Studio? If so, from what version to what new version?

    If you updated Daz Studio to 4.23, did you also update Genesis 9 Starter Essentials and Default Resources? You should have.

    What installation method have you used (DIM, Daz Connect, Manual?

    Do you store your content on an external drive? If so, has it mounted with a different drive letter than usual?

    Do you use multiple Content Directories? Have you checked Content Directory Manager to see that your Content Directories are listed?


  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

    Thank you for getting to me at this late hour.  Now hear "hour" with lots of wibbly sounds.
    I'd upgraded to Premier and had decided to see if I could figure out the new bits and bobs. I installed all of the things and even made sure my video card driver was up to date.I loaded Genesis 9 and it had only the bellybutton morph. That was it!
    I loaded Genesis (which I'm working with the most right now) and same story.
    I uninstalled DAZ.  Reinstalled. Post...grspaslksdfd error. (I never can remember the letters.)

    ... ssigh.

    Going into the library (on an external drive), it was still pointing to the right location.I could open file locations and go right where I needed to go. But for some bizarre reason, none of the Genesis models are seeing the data for their morphs. Pheh. Perhaps I should find the instructions for how to do a clean reinstall?

  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

    It's the cosmos punishing me for not being very keen about the new toon rendering system. I know how it is. "That woman will PAY for insisting PWtoon forever!"

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited January 6

    If the PostgresSQL is not working, none of your Smart Content will work. I don't know if that would cause your morphs to be inaccessible, though. There must be a hundred forum threads about how to deal with PostgresSQL errors, but I an not an expert. I've never had that problem.

    Some people have had problems with the latest NVIDIA driver, but those problems are with rendering, not morph finding.

    Load Genesis 9 Base in your scene. Select it in the Scene pane. Go to menu Edit//Object/Scene Identification. Does it show the Compatibility Base as /Genesis 9/Base? If so, that is good and Daz Studio knows that the character is Genesis 9 and some other product has not broken that.

    Where are you looking for the morphs? In the Parameters pane with Genesis 9 selected? Most morphs will be listed under the Actor category and its sub categories, like Arms, Head, etc. Post a screenshot of what you see that that indicates that your morphs are missing. Maybe we can see something wrong with where you are looking.

    Screenshot 2025-01-06 023241.jpg
    850 x 263 - 49K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited January 6

    I asked questions in my first response that you didn't answer. Like how you install, whether you use multiple content directories, and whether you checked Content Directory Manager. It is easier to help if we can get more information.

    What version of Daz Studio are you running and did you just update to that version - from what version.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Sounds pretty odd... Better post a screenshot, as barbult asked, did you find nearly no morph properties in Parameters Pane ?

    When a G9 is loaded into the scene, all morph data (DSF files) will be loaded from this folder under you Daz Libraries: \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 9\Base\Morphs and DSON cache files will be updated at the same time...

    So firstly check if you can find DSF files (by searching) in the above folder(s). Besides, press F2 in DS, Clear DSON Cache Files, then try loading G9 again.

    Besides, do you have Turbo Loader ? If you do, also check if you ever by chance disabled all G9 morphs... ?

  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

    Sorry for not responding sooner. Batrbult - I thought I had responded. I'll try again.

    I use DIM if I can, but will also manually install when I gotta. Sometimes Ive had to manually install when DIM didn't get the stuff in properly, but not often. Everything is on two external drives. One is my main drive and one is a backup. (This practice has saved me from some crazy stuff.) Content Directory Manager is always pointed to the main library only. I shall be making a third backup drive.eventually. I have stuff you can't find anywhere anymore.

    Latest version of DAZ (usually upgrading immediately), and if I've got another project that needs different settings I'll open Beta for that. So I can't tell you upgrading from what version because I've been upgarding since 3 here and there.

    The postgrl thing was solved when I reinstalled it.

    The CMS issue is only solved by having CMS in my roaming folder, which annoys me but it's fixed for now. This didn't used to be a requirement. I want CMS on the external hard drive, to be honest, because if I have to refresh my computer I hate hate hate having to refresh my library set up and have DIM tell me to reinstall everything that's already installed. Over and over. And over.  And over. And over again. I refresh a lot. I will wear a computer down.

    So for now things are working - but why the characters were not reading their data remains a mystery. Hrm.. clear DSON cache files? I shall see what happens with that. I'm feeling dangerous.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    It sounds like fixing the PostgresSQL issue fixed a lot of stuff. I hope it keeps working for you. I believe strongly that DIM is the best way to install. Just don't mix DIM and Daz Connect installation of the same products. If you do that, the Daz Connect version takes priority and the DIM installation is completely ignored. Even if you update with DIM later, that update is ignored and the older Daz Connect version will be used. Don't be fooled by the "available for installation" icon overlays on the products inside Daz Studio. Some people think those mean you are supposed to reinstall inside Daz Studio, when you have already installed with DIM. That is NOT what they mean. Don't do it.

  • spearcarrierspearcarrier Posts: 708

    Don't do it.... Thing is... I use that list of "to be installed" as sort of like a category/inventory. When they show installed and i can't find an item, I can open up the three dots and see where things were installed to. My mind doesn't keep info that well, so that's an invaluable thing to be able to do. Thus: i've got to find a way for my CMS to be backupable.

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