Shapes: Bending and Twisting

In looking around for flat shapes that I can have twist (or bend) from left to right- so that I can construct something in the shape of a winding, flat road- I haven't been able to find anything. 

Can this be done with a primitive, somehow?

...or some other way?


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970
    edited January 3

    There is an mCasual script that can do that - I'll see if I can find it.

    EDIT: It's mcjBend:

    Post edited by SofaCitizen on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733
    edited January 3

    Just looked at page in the link:

    Wow!  So I downloaded the zip, and extracted it.  How to I actually get it to work in DAZ? 

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    Post edited by dash2128 on
  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970
    edited January 3

    Yes, it's a script - there is a link to the zip file right at the bottom of that page (a Google Drive hosted link). The installation instructions at the top should hopefully give you all you need but basically you download the zip file and inside is a licence text file a script (dsa file) and a thumbnail image. Scripts can arguably be placed anywhere in one of your Daz Content libraries but within the "Scripts" folder makes the most sense. As per usual, it's best practice to use a separate content library for manually installed content, especially if you are on OSX and so can wipe out GBs of data with the slip of a finger while trying to merge folders.

    Any manually-installed content is not going to have metadata by default and so it won't appear under the "Smart Content" tab or under the "Categories" or "Products" sections of Content Library but will be available under "Daz Studio Formats" in the place where you copied it to.

    Check out the other instructions on the page to see how to use it. It has been a little while since I used it in a scene but I am pretty sure it was pretty straight-forward.

    EDIT: Oh, just to point out that mCasual's products on his site(s) are all genuine Freebies - although there is a donation button if you wanted to send some appreciation their way.

    Post edited by SofaCitizen on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Thanks VERY much for responding!

    I've wiped out my Product file, before, so I wouldn't want to do THAT again!, do I treaty this like a third-party application?  For example, I extract product from Renderosity, and connect to either Poser Formats or Daz Studio Formats, in Content Manager.  Then access them, that way.  Would i do something like that, with this?   


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970

    Yeah, I too have nuked my 3rd party library before early on when I made that mistake with the drag & drop. Always good to be cautious everytime since it only takes one slip-up.

    If you have installed products from Renderosity before then the script will be just like that. It'll be under Daz Studio Formats and in the Scripts/mCasual folder if you install it as-is.

  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    'Nuked'- that definitely applies.  ...especially when it effects the Content Library!  (I've had THAT disappear a time or two! I just drop the extracted script into DAZ Studio Formats, or beneath it? 


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  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,970
    edited January 7

    Well, I can't tell which of those is your DIM library but you can put it in one of those if you wanted - e.g.:

    • C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Scripts/mcasual/mcjBend.dsa
    • C:/Daz 3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/Scripts/mcasual/mcjBend.dsa

    Or you can create a new 3rd Party library and add it there - e.g.:

    • C:/Users/Public/Documents/3rd Party Library/Scripts/mcasual/mcjBend.dsa

    In the second scenario you'd have to add "C:/Users/Public/Documents/3rd Party Library" as a new content library under Daz Studio Formats. But then you can add more 3rd party content to it to keep it separate from the DIM-instaled items.

    In both examples I have just noted the script file but you'll want the png file alongside it so you have a nice icon to click on.

    Post edited by SofaCitizen on
  • dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

    Thanks!  I just got the script into DS, and i will try to figure it out, when I can get back to.  Thanks again! 

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