How to convert a large number of objects into instances?

I’d like to optimize a scene with a large number of identical objects (around 2000 grass models). However, when I try to use the "Instancify" script by Code 66, it gives an error: "The current scene does not contain any objects that can be instancified." Now I’m unsure what to do... Is there any way to select one of these objects as the master and replace all matching objects with its instances? I’d really prefer not to manually set the position for each object
What are the grass props - simple, one-node models, or paretned hierarchies or figures?
It's a simple one-node model, just the grass texture. To make it clearer what I've done – I exported a purchased Unreal asset in FBX format. Maybe it's related, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for your attention to my issue
I wouldn't have thought the import format would matter, but how do they appear in the Scene pane? Are they just floating loose or are they grouped? I just tried it with a few spheres in parented pairs and didn't get any errors.
I solved the problem. For those who might be interested and for anyone facing the same issue: all imported props have different "Name" and "Label"(info tab). Instancify identifies objects by their "Name," and since each object had not the same "Name," it couldn’t create instances. The solution is to rename each object using the Joint Editor. But you can only rename one Node at a time in the Joint Editor, so you will need to write a script for that, and use it through the Script IDE. Thanks, Richard, for trying to help me.