How to import and save a Blender Prop for use in Daz Studio

in New Users
Hello, I have a new project to do, this time around I have 2 weeks or less before to complete it.
This is for a Birthday, I hope the recipient will be more than delighted with the finished render.
I have a Soft Drink Can this one is available free somewhere else.
The File Formats are the following:
Which of these types I can use into Daz Studio?
I need the know how without doing a blind move or a disastrous result.
Your input is really appreciated, thanks!.
Im not sure why you are calling this a Blender Prop when only one of those files (.blend) would be a blender prop. .max is 3DS Max format. .MB is Maya. The others obj and .fbx are pretty generic file formats.
Just drag the .obj into Daz Studio viewport. You can also import fbx to Daz Studio but i wouldnt recommend it.
When bringing in the obj, it will pop up with a dialogue box. Some people will tell you to keep the 'read material library' option ticked, but i would uncheck that box and then click ok, and do the texture set up manually. Add the texture maps via Surfaces tab. Go here if you dont know how to set up maps:
Scale it to correct size under Paramaters tab.
lilweep Said: "Im not sure why you are calling this a Blender Prop when only one of those files (.blend) would be a blender prop. .max is 3DS Max format. .MB is Maya. The others obj and .fbx are pretty generic file formats."
A bit confused about it, I didn't bother calling their native origins
Now the .obj file format is a bit tricky to do the conversion and scaling, wish there is an easy way to handle it.
it's not rocket science to scale something. Change the scale in Paramaters tab until it looks correct. How is that tricky?
Sorry to bother you.
What is the measurement for a Soft Drink Can?
The file is Obj obtained free somewhere else, when shrinking I am not sure what is the closest dimension in Daz Studio.
I want to look as real as possible.
I am working on a Birthday scene, when I gather all elements including people, I will render and print it to give it to a relative, the finished product will be on a picture frame.
I need the numbers to do the fitting in Parameters tab.
Can you please help me with that?
Thanks beforehand for your assistance!
For instance, a Coke can in my Library, is more or less with Height: 13.39cm, Width/Depth: 7.17cm. If you have a can object in Blender with the similar measurement, just export it to OBJ with Scale 100%. Import OBJ to DS with 100% as well.
Then you'll get the very same size / measurement in DS. Besides, manually Scaling the can size is also doable.
crosswind That's the type of Soft Drink Can I want to fit in size.
I did a render before, but I am not convinced about it.
Imported according to the instructions above before your post
I tried to export it via Blender, it failed misserably.
Imported via Daz Studio, it went with gigantic proportions.
Is like making a monster movie. What a nightmare!
Is there anything else I can do?
I don't understand how it failed when you exported it from Blender. It should be a pretty simple process.
Have you checked the dimensions as what I showd you above in Blender ? And what was the setting you used for exporting / importing the object in Blender / Daz Studio ? Better post some screenshots ... Besides, use a G8F / G9 as a reference in DS to check if the size of can makes sense. Or directly measure it by using Measure Metrics.
How about Measure Metrics? is available in Daz?
I will do something that will take me out from computer, but I will comeback here later.
I came back, the product is too expensive, I put into the wish list (but I don't think I can make it, is out of my reach).
I will have some zzz, I have been very busy, demolished, barely I can move.
I tried to export from Blender before but I couldn't, it has to be open both programs or some folder where to export to?
No no~ that's 2-steps process, export OBJ from Blender, then import OBJ in DS.
zzz first ~~ sleep tight !
crosswind I opened Blender, the first thing is importing the obj file into the program.
This is what I see, not what you attached the screenshot
I am not sure if the scaling is correct or not.
Yes, import with the defaut settings first... then check the Dimensions in Blender after import, by pressing N, in Item panel > Dimensions.
Besides, I thought you have a *.blend file... since you just have OBJ/MTL files, you also can directly import to DS to take a look.. for comparing its size with a G8F figure ~~