How to relocate Daz content on Mac OS?

Everytime I try changing install paths with DIM and copy data to match, Studio no longer runs. Just bounces icon a few times and then crashes..
Grumble incoming..
I'm running Sequoia which apparently no longer allows relocating the /Users/Shared folder which is where Daz installs all of it's content (I'm over 600GB of data with just Daz and only a 1TB Macintosh HD.. killing me here..). I've already relocated my home folder to a 4TB NVME, works great.
Why doesn't DIM install data to the ~/ home folder like every other sane Mac app? I mean, if there were multiple users on this box there's no guarantee that installing to shared the additional users have purchased that content. Doesn't seem particularly well thought out, or is this just Mac as a second class citizen syndrome?
All that being said, Daz runs suprisingly well on my Mac Pro 2023, better than it did with my old 13900k/6950 setup. Just having a huge amount of issues trying to manage the data.
I moved my Daz Library from the internal SSD of my Mac to an external SSD without too much hassle.
First step was copying all the files to the new location, then in DIM, I opened the Basic Settings (top right cog wheel) and changed the Content Base Path.
There is one problem I don't remember the solution (I think Richard Haseltine gave it somewhere but was not able to find it): while everything is working fine inside Daz Studio (both in the Content Library and the Smart Library), when I asked DIM to remove a product I installed before moving everything, it failled to remove all files related to this product. But like I said, there is apparently a solution to that too, to let DIM update whatever element it's using to keep track of the absolute path of where a file is installed.
If using DIM, you need to update the manifest files, else will DIM not know where the content is.
The manifest files tell DIM what is installed and where.
It is a single path in each file that must be updated to the new. It can be batch edited with something like Notepad ++ (I don't know if that exist in Mac environment),