Layered Image Editor Query - Isolating Color Changes in surfaces to certain layers

So I'm currently working on a little project in Daz Studio, and I'm trying to figure out how to apply an LIE Layer to a specific part of the Body Without it being altered by any base color changes made in Surfaces. For Example, I'm doing this sort of punk-like character, and I found the right skin type that I feel fits for her, but it's color needed tweaking so I adjusted the Base Color of the Characters Skin in the Surfaces Tab to give it a yellowish-green sickly tinge to it. So that was absolutely fine, but now that I'm applying some specific tattoo's that I feel work well for the Character because I altered the base color surfaces of the Skin of the Character, any LIE I apply is also affected by those same changes, and thus the color of the tattoo also shifts.
At first I figured what if I just change the color of the skin layer in LIE to the same color I'm using in the "Base Color" Tab of Surfaces and then apply, and then revert the base color surface back to white. But Apparently that doesn't work which is a shame.
So My Question is, How do I isolate a specific LIE Layer from the base color changes in surfaces? Because in LIE there is a ton of varying "Blends" you can apply to a layer like Multiplicative, Subtractive, Alpha Channel, Etc. Currently the Tattoo Layer has a blend of "Source Over".
Is the base colour, with the layered Image, the only thing you are editing to get the desired look?
I believe so, the Tattoo Layer is fine but I don't want it to change to the same yellowish-green tinge of the skin colour as the skin surfaces base color is what I have altered.
I thought changing the color of the skin in LIE rather than in surfaces would work as my mindset at the time was if I change the color of the skin layer, the tattoo layer shouldn't be affected. but that didn't work.
So Now I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to issolate the Tattoo LIE Layer.
If you adjust base color, it will affect LIE, as it is multiplied in on the (resulting) image.
If you don't want the LIE affected you can apply it in Diffuse Overlay (if using Iray Uber) or Makeup channel (for PBR Skin).
I don't understand.... How did the color of tattoo shift ? That depends on the format of tattoo texture map as well as Blend Mode on it in LIE.
A. If tattoo texture map is PNG format with alpha channel, its color won't shift with Source Over Blend Mode even if you changed Base Color.
B. If tattoo texture map is JPG format (with white background), its color won't shift either if you change Blend Mode to Multiply or Multiplacative Blend.
So better post a screenshot.
It is multiuplied with the colour proeprty, yes - but not with the map, so if the goal is to modifiy the skin colour add a solid colour layer with the adjusted base colour and belnd mode set to multiply to the Layered Image below the tattoo layer.
I am fairly certain the OP has modified the skin color by adjusting the color value - not in LIE.
And then when the OP wants another area of the skin a different color, then that area also gets modified by the changes color value.
Yes, I was agreeing that you are probably right - and suggesting a way to achieve the same end result without the same issue (though of course a tattoo would be affected by the underlying skin).
An example of normal blending result with PNG + JPG tattoo layers and different Blend Mode.