Help to Identify a Product...

in The Commons
Hi all,
I'm looking for an older product here that featured a swamp environment with an abandoned little cottage that has a gnarled tree growing out of the center of it. Does anyone know what the name of that product is?
Not sure if it's this one, but maybe:
The only thing I could find that had a tree growing out of it was XI Spell Workshop, when you add the XI Spell Workshop Props it looks kind of swampy.
Not really a swamp, but has the gnarled tree and a cottage: (full disclosure - that's one of mine
Edit: Or did you mean the tree growing out of the centre of the cottage? (Mine is kind of growing out the back).
That is a beauty of a product Silent Winter, I'm thinking the one I am looking for is more than 10 years old. It has a tree growing out of the center of the cottage and busting out of the roof
Merry Xmas!
It's not it but it could be an alternative if I can't find that old one I'm looking for, thanks for suggestion!
^Only other one I've seen apart from the suggestions above. Not quite fitting the description but maybe workable.
Are you sure the product was on Daz? When did you last see it?
No swamp, but there is a tree in the center:
The product could be an old Runtime DNA title which was moved over here and it may have been taken down from here because of its age. It's that old. saw it years ago here. Like 4 years ago. Now it's gone :(
This may be agood alternative also in case I can't find what I am looking for...
You all keep my hopes up for finding it though, thanks!
Not so old, but there's this:
Much older (and not quite fitting the description), but this:
Close but it isn't it, the old one I recognize but if it's any help the tree is in the center of the house and a green mossy bark and the tree busts outof the roof of the house. Old one for sure, it is built for Poser back in the day but sold here... Or somehow brought here with a possibility of it being an RDNA title...
I found it! But does anyone know what the name of the product this is? I highlighted my Runtime prop directory with the list of props but would like to know the name of the actual product. I may have dropped this item into my content library long before i started using DIMS to catalog the names of products inside my Content Library. Anyone know by looking at the prop directory contents/naming convention?
If you click the 'Info' button that is barely visible in your screenshot it should list the product.
The folder name "Abandoned House" might be the actual product name.
If you purchased this from DAZ SHOP, try filtering your Product Library by "abandoned" and you might be able to find it.
Thanks all, yeah info gave me no product name, just the path and searching through the DIM app wasn't successful because there was no product name attached. It's why I am thinking I dropped it into my content library before I started making custom DIMs to be cataloged. It doesn't show up in my Product Library as 'abandoned' so i think the DRC stands for the product name but abbreviated in some way.
Info usually shows the author name too but there wasn't any so i can't even go to their store to look.
I found this in the Read Me's/Documentation Page:
According to this page, "DRC" is how the author abbreviated their "Dreamcatcher" nickname.
Thanks for the hint! I will check that out, I had no idea there was a way to search readme's here. Awesome!
Yep! That's the product! Now I can catalog it properly in my content library and not lose it in my gigantic Runtime. Thanks again :)