Fit Control Morphs Not Found on Genesis 9

I purchased the Fit control for Genesis 9.

When applying the Fit Control on a Genesis 9 character, I get the following message: "Installation error: Fit Control morphs not found on Genesis 9"

I don't get such a message when using the Fit Control for Genesis 8 on G8 figures. So what am I missing here?


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    What does the log say: Help > Troubleshooting > View Log?

  • Also, how do you install?

  • You'll get that error message if you try to run the script when the morphs aren't present in G9. Check your install path for the morphs, and reinstall if necessary. You can check if g9 is loading the morphs by turning on "Show Hidden" in the Parameters Tab menu. They'll be under "Hidden>Fit Control" path.
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