About pixel shading on model (have image)

DAZ3D have an amazing models and the shading work AMAZING on them , But I decided to make some furry model and for some reason the model have shades like pixels as you see.
Have anyway to fix that or this is the model texture I just can change? Thank you ^^
If I can't it also looks amazing hehe looks like shading game but I prefer the real daz3d shading. ^^

569 x 391 - 437K

180 x 224 - 81K
No need to touch the texture maps for the time being...
1) Make sure your figure's Resolution Level is set as High Resolution, then set Render SubD Level to 3 (at least 2).
2) Crank up threshold Values in Render Settings > Texture Compression. If you use DS 4.23+, set Off in Texture Compression.
See if it is improved.
Hey! Thank you very much! I did the first one and add her 3 but still the shading the same , about the daz 4.23 I download it now and check it hehe
I try them both and it's the same restults , maybe it something with the model then?
Ohhhhhhh never mind it woooooooooooooorks! I did it on High Resolution and it works! I missed it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Yea, that's it ! If you notice those low-poly things shown in below screenshot, that means a Base Resolution ~~
Your awesome! now it so sharp! Thank you now my model is perfect because of you! THANK YOU!!!! :)))
No problem !