DAZ Connect Question

I have only one DA Studio library and it is on my D drive. I have removed the rest.

Yet, DAZ Connect is still listing a huge number of products to download - products I already have in my library. Why?

In my last install of DS - which I had issues with and hed to scrub - I never even saw DAZ Connect. It's there now and has a huge list of downloads.

I don't get it.



  • Are the products showing metadata (e.g. the content type tags at top-right)? If their metadata wasn't inserted into the database then the system doesn't know you have them just from the presence of the files, and so offers the download option.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Not sure what you mean exactly but the attached shows what I see.

    DAZ Connect 12-24-24.JPG
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  • I meant the files (rather than products, sorry) that you can see as isntalled for the products which Daz Studio says are not.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Thanks for sticking with me Richard.

    Still not sure what you are talking about but I chose an item I know is in my DAZ Library and right clicked on it and chose "Browse to Location". Please see the attached.

    I don't see anything in the top right corner - or any corner.

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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited December 2024

    1stly check in DIM, if the metadata of the installed producs have been successfully imported into cms database. If they have, the color of Database icons should be in dark grey, see screenshot 1. If they are in light grey, it means metadata have failed to be imported.

    Then if you ever logged on Daz Connect and checked the option of "Update Metadata", you would get those grey thumbnails in your screenshot, though you've already installed the products in DIM. Check screenshot 2.

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865
    edited December 2024

    In the Content Library pane>Daz Studio Formats do you see the tags at top-right for products installed through DIM? Like the Actor tag on this

    Content type tag.jpg
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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505
    edited December 2024

    Still don't know what you mean Richard but attached is what I've got.

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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Here what I see Crosswind. If I right click on the light gray meta data (?) symbols it says no additional meta data available.

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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited December 2024

    No ~~ Those Light Grey icons are on the Software products rather than Content products....Just leave them alone. Only focus on Content products... browse or filter by name to check those products with grey thumbnails in your screenshot.


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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Under the install tab in DS I have a guge amount of products shown - see the attached. As far as I can tell, I have these products in my content library. I know I have the ones I have checked on.

    If I double click the items they just disappear. There is no evidence that they are being installed. They just disappear.

    Install 12-27-24.JPG
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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    No. I was mistaken some at least ARE downloading. I don't know where they are going because I already have them but, they are downloading. Strange.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505
    edited December 2024

    Perhaps a setting in my Content Directory is wrong?

    Content Directory Manager 12-27-24.JPG
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    Content Directory Manager 12-27-24.JPG
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  • Install shows items thata re not installed (according to the database), if you double-click them you tell DS to install them - so they are no longer not installed and so disappear from that list. Clearly your instalaltions through DIM are not being found, which is why I was wanting you to look at them in the Content Library pane under Daz Studio Formats (which does not depend on the database to list files, though it does for things like the content tabe I was asking about before). Can you find the files for any of those product in the Install pane in the Content Library, and do they load from there?

  • DarkElf said:

    Perhaps a setting in my Content Directory is wrong?

    Where is DIM installing to?

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505
    edited December 2024

    Richard Haseltine said:

    DarkElf said:

    Perhaps a setting in my Content Directory is wrong?

    Where is DIM installing to?

    Hello Richard. Hope you had a good holiday.

    I will attach the DIM advanced settings.

    DIM Installation 12-27-24.JPG
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  • OK, those match. Can you then load the installed content (from the products that appear in the Install pane as if they are absent from the system) from the Content Library pane?

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Richard Haseltine said:

    OK, those match. Can you then load the installed content (from the products that appear in the Install pane as if they are absent from the system) from the Content Library pane?

    Yes. Even though they show as ready to install in the connect install section, I can load the products into a scene from my DAZ library.

  • OK, that means this is purely a metadata issue. One potential issue is if you close, daz Studio, open DIM, and install you can end up with PostgreSQL not running (because it was still working on closing down when DIM started). Try not to do that. You can probably fix the issue by opening the Content Library option menu (the lined/"hamburger" button in the top corner orr ight-click the tab) and selecting Content DB Maintenance, then checking Reimport Metadata, and selecting your missing products in the next dialogue.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Richard, I never open the DIM before DS is completely closed. At least I don't see any evidence of it running.How long after closing it should I wait to open the DIM?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    That'll depend... but with the latest 4.22 / 4.23... usually after you see the closing progress dialogue as well as DS window are gone, DS session will be fully killed within 10 ~ 15 seconds. That's my observation.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Re-importing metadata worked ?

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505
    edited December 2024

    crosswind said:

    Re-importing metadata worked ?

    Hello Crosswind. No. I don't think it worked. It did something though.

    Now if I look in the install tab under "available" most of the items nave a dotted line round them as seen in the attached. A few do not. Under "pending" there is nothing.

    In the Smart Content tab under in available I have fewer items and most have dotted lines around them - but not all. Under Updates I have 7 items. I doubt they actually have been updated yet though since they are new and it normally take DAZ forever to get around to updating anything.

    Install 12-28-24.JPG
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    Smart Content 12-28-24.JPG
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    Install 12-28-24.JPG
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  • felisfelis Posts: 4,692

    What is acyually in your Daz Connect folder?

  • The product data has loaded, but as user data (hence the U) rather than vendor data (as it should).

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Richard Haseltine said:

    The product data has loaded, but as user data (hence the U) rather than vendor data (as it should).

    So .... does this mean things are as they should be?

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    felis said:

    What is acyually in your Daz Connect folder?

    See the above.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited December 2024

    DarkElf said:

    crosswind said:

    Re-importing metadata worked ?

    Hello Crosswind. No. I don't think it worked. It did something though.

    Now if I look in the install tab under "available" most of the items nave a dotted line round them as seen in the attached. A few do not. Under "pending" there is nothing.

    In the Smart Content tab under in available I have fewer items and most have dotted lines around them - but not all. Under Updates I have 7 items. I doubt they actually have been updated yet though since they are new and it normally take DAZ forever to get around to updating anything.

    It's just fine you see them under Available... but those thumbnails framed with dotted lines seem resulting from some glitch when updating metadata or uninstall the products in Connect.

    "Dotted line" means that product has no cloud metadata. I just have one product like this... if I logged in with Update Metadata or directly modified the data field in cms database with DBA tool, it would turn normal. (ss 1 ~ 2)

    So I suggest you try below steps:

    1) Fully close DIM and all DS sessions. Open File Browser, go to folder: %appdata%\DAZ 3D\ There's a sub-folder named cms. Copy it to another disk !
    2) Launch DS. DO not Login Daz Connect !!! (or Log out !) Then re-import all Metadata via Content DB Maintenance... (ss 3) Then check how the thumbnails change.
    3) Login Daz Connect with checking Update Metadata option !  Wait for the complation of Update... Then check how those product thumbnails change in Available tab.

    Edit: ( If this try brings nothing changed... you can: fully close DS / DIM, copy cms folder that you backed up... to %appdata%\DAZ 3D\  Overwrite to restore cms database to its previous status.)

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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Crosswind, bearing in mind that my DS is installed on my C drive and my DS Content Library is installed on my D drive, where will I find the folder: %appdata%\DAZ 3D\ ?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited December 2024

    DarkElf said:

    Crosswind, bearing in mind that my DS is installed on my C drive and my DS Content Library is installed on my D drive, where will I find the folder: %appdata%\DAZ 3D\ ?

    CMS cluster folder, as default, locates in your C drive (see ss1, that's your configuration....)

    In File Browser, just paste %appdata%\DAZ 3D\ into the address field on the top....Hit Enter. (ss2)


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  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Okay. Got that Crosswind.

    Next question: Since my DS automatically logs in, how do I get DAZ Connect to log out?

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