Resume cancelled Iray render ?

I used to be able to stop an Iray render with the cancel button, adjust the tone mapping, then resume the render with a button on the render window. But the render window in Studio 4.23 hasn't got a resume button, only save or close. Have they moved the resume command somewhere else? is there a setting i need to do to get it back? or is it gone ?


  • I have a Resume button, at bottom-left of the render window.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876

    This is a screenshot from the latest DS 4.23 beta.

    Screenshot 2024-12-22 231242.jpg
    555 x 723 - 159K
  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    I must be going crazy. Yes. they've moved it to the left. I'm so used to seeing it on the right with the save and close buttons I never looked there.

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