A Little Trick : How to Disable Preview Lights on DS Launch

crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
edited December 2024 in Daz Studio Discussion

After having helped a friend's request, I'd also like to share this little trick: How to Disable Preview Lights on DS Launch.

We know Window > Preview Lights is checked as default and even if you uncheck it or Ctrl + L, the settings cannot be saved. In most of the cases, we don't really need this Preview Lights (pseudo...with seven lights...while it brings you darkness in lots of scenes). So here's the way to disable it:

1) In DS, Window > Panes (Tabs) > Script IDE, copy and paste the codes below:

//Deactivate Windows - Preview Lights(function DeactivatePreviewLights(){  var mWin = MainWindow;  var aMgr = mWin.getActionMgr();  oAction = aMgr.findAction("DzPreviewLightsAction");	  if (oAction.checked){    oAction.trigger();  }})();

2) In Script IDE, File > Save Script As... to the Script folder under one of your Daz Libraries, with a File Name you like. I named it as Initialization.dsa (screenshot 1)

3) Press F2 in DS, Startup tab, specifial the path + script file into On Launch > Load File and check it !  Accept. (screenshot 2).
   a) Pls be noted: If you already use Load File to load whatever a user-facing DUF file there, suggest you use this Initialization.DSA script instead, i.e. you can add lots of "settings" on launching DS by using a Script file rather than a single DUF file, which is much more flexible.
   b) So, use a line of code as below. (screenshot 3)

Scene.loadScene("H:/My DAZ3D Library/Default Scene.duf", "MergeFile");

Finally, close and relaunch DS. It'll be set as unchecked. Now you don't have to always press Ctrl + L after launching DS... just do it when it's really needed.

Have a great holiday !

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