Which Batch Render Product would you recommend?

Which Batch Render Product would you recommend?

I've been searching for one. But those who seems to get a good review, are not available anymore.

Which batch render that can automatically restart daz3d to avoid black render due to not enough VRAM?
And can ignore if certain texture files were not found.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Only Render Queue plugin has the feature of restarting DS and suppressing errors when loading, however, this plugin now belongs to Premier tier.

  • JamesJames Posts: 1,106

    what would be a second choice?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122
    edited December 2024

    Sorry, TBH I don't know... Personally I only ever used Batch Render and Render Queue. The former is weak and already out of date...

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • I use Batch Render by DaggonStorm https://www.daz3d.com/batch-render-for-daz-studio-4-and-rib, which has always worked great.
    THAT SAID... It has been a bit glitchy with 4.23 (coincidentally the time Daz made batch rendering a paid feature in Prem)

    Interestingly, when I asked if anyone else was having issues with that Batch Render script and 4.23 - my post 'mysteriously vanished'.

    I'm not saying that Daz are deliberately sabotaging the scripts stability in new releases to get them to buy Prem.  But the timing is very coincidental (I used it for years and ONLY had issues after Prem became available) and now they seem to be removing posts about it...  it's probably nothing, but still a bit sus...



  • Has anyone used the plug in in Prem Tier... I'm not against paying IF it's worth it. (when compared to Draggonstroms plug in)

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,122

    Render Queue is much more stronger than Batch Render... which won't have any update for new version I believe...

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    DraagonStorm passed away long ago, so no, her products likely won't be updated.

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